I Love You 2

350 9 4

-TaeHyung's P.O.V-

"Taehyung! We need you over here!" The stylist yelled. I had just finished putting on the clothes for the shoot. When I sat down four ladies were on me doing my hair, makeup, fixing my outfit and putting accessories on me. When I was done the photographer called for me.

He was really friendly but had a creepy edge to him. When he had touched me it was always on the small of my back or the waist, and I barely knew the guy. The way he spoke seemed like he was always intending some other meaning. "Your figure looks great in this outfit, although I could imagine something much better."

I smiled nervously at him. He smiled back pushing me towards the set. The poses I was told to do were very sexy. Given that the set was a bed with messed up sheets and my clothes were much larger than mine, I could only imagine what the thought process was behind this shoot.

When we were finished my manager had ordered for me to get changed. My schedule was free and I was able to finally meet with Kim Jongin and Lee Taemin. I had met the two at a banquet, they were models turned dancers and practiced at the same studio.

"Taehyung-Ah! I'm so glad you could make it. Taemin came running to me and embraced me. Jongin shook his head before nodding his head at my presence. "There's a class going on in the practice room, you can watch if you want," I nodded my head letting Taemin drag me to the glass door. I watched as the group of dancers danced in perfect sync.

"Wow, they're really good," I watched each individual dance and they just blew my mind away. Taemin chuckled from my side and held me in a side hug.

"They are our performance group," Taemin said with a giddy smile. I nodded my head drawn to a certain dancer in sweats and a white shirt dripping in sweat. "Hey your drooling," Jongin said pushing my mouth closed. I blushed furiously, what's happening to me? "Oh please don't act like you don't drool over the receptionist's son," Taemin tears Jongin.

Jongin started chasing Taemin around. I giggled watching as then almost ran into a lady. "Excuse me but you're kind of in the way," I turned around the second I heard the voice. My breath hitched in my throat. The dancer I was drooling over was Jungkook?! My heart raced, he looks so handsome and grown up.

"Jungkook?" I asked. He nodded his head looking at me with an unreadable expression. My body went into shock when he grabbed me by my arms and moved me to the side. The dancers in the practice room spilled out. I blushed feeling embarrassed for standing like that. "What are you doing?" I asked.

Jungkook had pulled me into the practice room, locking the door and closing the blinds. When he turned to me all I could see was pain and love. My heart hurt seeing him like this. "I'm so sorry Taehyung," he said pulling me into his chest. I could hear his cries but I knew he didn't want to see him cry. "I was so stupid back then Tae, what I did was stupid and childish. And most of all I hurt you."

"It's okay Jungkook I've moved on from that." Jungkook looked at me hurt. I knew that came out wrong but how do I fix it. Biting my lip I took my chances. Pressing our lips together I held onto his for dear life. He was obviously surprised, but he didn't take another second to kiss back and wrap me in his arms.

Our lips attacked the other with hunger and desperation. It's been so long since I've seen him or the boys last. Jungkook was so small and acted like a child, but now he looks so mature and sexy. I just wanted him all to myself. Manager was going to hate me for this but I couldn't hide this anymore.

"Jungkook-Ah, I love you," I whispered against his lips. He grinned pecking my lips over and over. "I've missed you so much, you've grown so much. I know we left on bad terms but I want to try this. Try us. Will you be my boyfriend?" Jungkook giggled hugging me tightly.

"Of course!" He yelled spinning us around. I giggled along pressing our lips together. "Taehyung! What are you doing?" I stumbled back opening my eyes. Jungkook stood there with widened eyes. A blush came across my cheeks realizing I had made that all up.

   "Uh, I'm sorry!" I said grabbing his shoulders. He nodded his head looking at me weirdly. "I don't know what that was," This was horrifying! What is wrong with me. "It's so good to see you," I said pulling Jungkook in for a hug.

   "Listen, I have to go," Jungkook said nervously. He was leaving already? But we haven't seen each other in years. I couldn't leave him again, I love him too much. I've left once and I don't want to leave again. He tried to walk away but I couldn't let go.

   "Please Jungkook, don't go," I was on the verge of tears. He tried to get out of my grip, and he succeeded. "Please, I don't want to leave again Jungkook," I cried clinging onto his back. He continued to shake his head. "I love you Jungkook, please tell me you feel the same."

   "I do Taehyung," my heart raced. He still loves me, that made me so happy. But why does he want to leave? Why can't he stay? "I love you Taehyung but I can't stay." He held onto my arms around his chest.

   "Why not?" I cried. "If you love me stay with me," He hadn't responded to me. "We gone this long without each other but I can't anymore, not after this. I miss you Jungkook, please stay with me," loosening my arms around Jungkook I stepped away from him.

   "I don't want to hurt you again," he turned towards me, tears of his own running down his cheeks. "Hurting you again would just hurt me again. I can't put you through that again, it was dumb of me to hurt you like that and I don't want to do that ever again. But I'm scared that I'll make the same mistake."

   I shook my head stepping closer towards Jungkook. "I love you Jungkook, you may have hurt me then but this is now. You look grown up and mature, I have to give you a second chance." Jungkook was hiccuping from his cries. "No love is perfect Jungkook, and that's okay. As long as we put our all into this we'll make this work."

   Jungkook nodded his head wrapping his arms around my waist and putting his head against my chest. "I love you Tae," he whispered. I smiled, kissing the top of his head. "I've seen you all over the place, in magazines, newspapers, billboards, the news, everywhere. It wasn't enough for me, but this is," he said looking into my eyes. Smiling brightly I kissed his lips.

   I can't wait for this adventure, our adventure. The moment was interrupted by Taemin and Jongin. Taemin tease me and Jungkook while Jongin held a smirk on his face. Poor Jungkook was blushing and trying to hide in my chest. He doesn't realize how much I love him, and how fast I can forgive him for something.

The End


Hey there!

Um so Thank you for 350 follows! And I just want to apologize for my stories. I'm not perfect nor in anyway a professional writer. I've made loads of mistakes in my stories, not just grammar mistakes. If I've disappointed anyone with a story I've written I'm sorry, I don't have any excuse except for wanted to get stories out to you guys as fast as possible and it doesn't help when my mental health is all over the place. My life doesn't center around writing and I want you all to realize that I have things of my own to deal with.

I'm just one girl and I picked this app up for fun. I have my ups and downs and I bet you that makes its presence in how I wrote my stories. There been a lot on my mind and a lot of it I don't like talking about but I think too much and everything ends up bad.

So please, please don't be mean or get mad at me for the things I write. I realize that some of the things that I write just aren't everyone's cup of tea, but please think before you type something.

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