Save Me

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I know it's short but I hope you all like it!

Morgan Kilt
Abuse Victim

Harrison Haines
Police Officer

-Morgan's P.O.V-

   Tears slipped down my cheeks as I watched my father throw around things in the house. The closer he got the more my breath got shallow and shaky. A blunt object came hurdling towards me. I cried in pain, cradling my arm as is bleed. The sound of sirens got louder and louder, prying that they would find me.

My father came up to me with his belt in hand and an evil sneer on his face. Pushing myself further into the wall and covering my head from any of his attacks. He struck the belt down onto my thighs, it burned and stung. Another came to my stomach and a mother across my arms.

My body was pushed to the side by his foot. The tears pooled up on the ground as I tried to protect my body. A sharp pain came to my head and black dots popped up in my vision. The front door was broken down my an intense force. A swarm of officers came in with guns pointed at my father.

I sobbed loudly thankful that I'm saved. They locked my father's hands in handcuffs and escorted him out side. Two men came to my side, I whispered unable to move from the pain. "We're going to get you help kid, stay awake," the office said brushing my hair out of my face.

I nodded my head slowly feeling the pain in the back of my head. The officer cradled my head in his hand, lifting me into his arms. Falling into his embrace I felt calmed and comforted. When my body was placed onto a car seat I tighten my grip on the officer's uniform.

"Please don't let go," I whispered on the verge of tears. The officer and another's voice went back and forth, my head was buzzing and I couldn't hear a thing. Things stilled and I nuzzled into the officer's chest. "It hurts," I whimpered closing my eyes. I was pulled into dreamless sleep, curled against the officer.

-Harrison's P.O.V-

I held the boy against my chest as Jared drove the car. He had closed his eyes and sent worry through out me. The sirens were on as we drove to the hospital, cars parting way for us. The boy was warm but this cold feeling came when I thought about the scene we walked into. If it wasn't for their neighbor who had called us this boy could have been in a much worse condition.

"Alright, I'll leave you with the boy. I have to watch for speeders," Jared said stoppingat the entrance of the hospital. Nodding my head before getting out to get the boy, responding to Jared wasn't my first priority. When I walked in I stopped at the receptionist.

"Hi, can we please get help to him? He's an abuse victim," I said tightly holding onto the boy. The lady nodded her head speaking into a phone. Seconds later a nurses and doctors came taking the boy away from me. I followed them until they stopped me.

I waited about an hour or two til a nurse came out and walked towards me. The rest of the nurses and doctors left the room the boy was taken into. "He's stable at the moment. Luckily there wasn't anything serious, if you want you can go see him," she said before walking away.

I had thought about leaving at that moment but I didn't have the heart to leave the boy alone. Walking into the room, he was strapped to different machines, his eyes closed and a pout on his lips. Setting myself down in an empty chair, I took of my hat and crossed my legs. Looks like it's nap time for me.

~Time Skip~

The boy's eyes opened slowly but closed a millisecond after. I chuckled when his face scrunched up cutely. That gained his attention and he turned to look at me, a smile adored his lips. "How are you feeling?" I asked sitting on the bed next to him.

"I feel really sore," he whispered. I nodded my head looking down at my outfit. This morning I had thrown on some sweats and a tank top not expecting him to wake up. "What's your name?" He whispered reaching out for my arm. I let his fingers wind around my forearm. It was like he need confirmation that this was real.

"Harrison, I'm the officer that took you here," I said and he nodded his head looking into my eyes waiting for more. "What?" I asked. He blushed deeply averting his eyes away.

"How old are you?" He asked. I raised an eyebrow and he bit his lip. What is he up to? "I'll tell you how old I am if you tell me your age," he said softly. I chuckled and looked at my hands.

"I'm 20 years old," I said looking him in the eyes. A cute smile stretched his lips. His fingers wrapped around my arm traveled to my hand and intertwined our fingers together. Looking down at our hands I raised an eyebrow. "Are you trying to start something?" I questioned.

   He laughed lightly before tanking on my arm. Giving in I let him pull me down onto the bed and cling onto my body tightly. "Thank you for saving me," he whispered into my chest. Resting my hands on his back, I let the boy do what he wanted.

   "Your welcome," I whispered lulling him off to sleep. Ten minutes later he was in a deep sleep and I slipped out of the bed. He grabbed around sleepily trying to find something to latch onto. Feeling bad I pulled a chair to the bed and grasped his hand in mine. His frantic searching came to an end and he cuddled into my arm. What a handful.

~Time Skip~

   Morgan sat on the counter not too far from the stove where I was cooking. He was twirling the ring on his ring finger. It made me smile knowing that he's thinking about it, I had given him that promise ring when we were about five months into our relationship.

   "Thank you for saving me," he spoke up. Shifting my gaze to him I turned the burner down and walked in between his legs. Tilting my head in curiosity, he's been repeating that sentence ever since we got together. "Thank you for taking me away from my father and giving me a good life. For loving me and taking care of me. I really do appreciate it."

   "I'm glad that you're thankful but baby, you don't have to tell me thank you every second," I chuckled kissing his nose. "I love you, and I know you love me. That alone is enough for me to know that you are grateful for everything I've give you." I ended with a kiss to the lips.

   Morgan smiled softly before nodding his head. Pecking his lips one last time I turned my focus to our dinner. He had begged me to make him spaghetti or dinner, insisting that I do so our he will die. It angered me a bit that he would throw that word around a lot since he could have been on the verge of death at his father's home. But then I'm thankful for that neighbor that had called and lead me to this beauty in front of me.

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