Dad's Old Number

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This ones long so prepare yourself!

Where a man calls up the previous number his father once used and ended up meeting someone special to him.

-Garett's P.O.V-

Sitting down in the rusty old Ford pick up truck's drivers seat I recall the memories made in this very truck. It's been sitting out in the elements for years now, rusty and creaky. How could I have let it get this bad? This truck was such a big part of me and I neglected it. Pulling my hands away from the steering wheel I grab my phone.

Placing my phone next to my ear I dial the number my Pa once used. It went to voicemail and that sweet angelic voice came through the speaker. "Hi, you've reached Jaden Gains I'm most likely busy at the moment. Please leave a voicemail and I'll get back to you."

"Yeah, Uh. You don't know me but this number used to be my Pa's and, gosh this is going to sound so pathetic....He used to give me advice when I called, helped me with my troubles. I just wanted you to know, didn't want it to seem weird that I keep calling. But please don't block me it's the thing I miss most about him. Thank you, bye."

Ending my message I put my phone on the seat and sit thinking. My Pa would tell me just what I needed to do first with this old thing. How to bring her back to the beauty she once was. Grabbing my phone I leave the truck, too consumed by the loss of my Pa. His death was so sudden, we couldn't even save him if we wanted. The cancer had already gotten to stage five and it was just a matter of time before his frail body couldn't take any more of it.

"Hey Ma," I kiss her thin gray hair as she sat in the same old green arm chair. She wouldn't move from that spot unless it was to use the bathroom, cook, or an emergency. At night she'd fall asleep there which worried me but there was nothing I could do. "Did you cook dinner?"

She shook her head and continued with the crossword for the newspaper. It's probably the thirtieth time she's done that one. Always asking me to print off another so she could busy her hands. Sighing to myself I head for the kitchen rummaging through the cabinets for any quick dinner foods.

Two cans of cream of mushroom were stored away in the back. Man must have done that, she all of a sudden disliked the soup. Given that was all I had for a quick meal I heat it up in a pan and stirred occasionally my eyes fixed on my Ma. She taken the death the hardest. Even after a year and a half she couldn't seem to get over it.

Pouring the finished soup into bowls I place spoons in each and head for the living room. Setting up the foldable tables I set down the bowl of cream of mushroom in front of my Ma. She stared at it and didn't eat. "Ma? Please eat. You used to love cream of mushroom what happened?"

"Cream of mushroom was your father's favorite soup. You should know better, after all you hold that same love for the soup." I sigh sitting down on the floral couch and start eating. After I finished my bowl I took my mothers and tried to feed her but I ended up eating for her. That night I couldn't get her to eat, she turned down every idea. Giving up I put the tv on and watch till my Ma fell asleep.

Standing to my feet I walk up the stairs and into my room. Ma gave me hers and Pa's room when she couldn't stand sleeping in a room where she once slept beside her husband but she could no longer. After a shower and a change of clothes I head for my bed. Kneeling beside the bed I bow my head and speak in a hushed tone.

"Lord, hear my prayer. My mother needs help. Please help her to overcome this grief she is suffering from. Help her to see what is good and not focus on the bad. Please something needs to be done but I can't do this alone. Please." Finishing my prayer I sit on my bed turning off the lamp and draping the blankets over me. Staring at the ceiling I gave out on more plea before sleep took over.

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