Orphan 2

923 15 1

Rylee Jones

James Frey
Bad Boy

James' P.O.V

My parents have finally gone to sleep. I wanted to leave earlier but they wouldn't go to sleep. If I didn't want to get in trouble with them then I'll have to be sneaky about seeing Rylee. My mouth watered and my wolf purred thinking of Rylee. He's so gorgeous.

I sigh in relief and head out. I pull on the big leather jacket that was well insulated. I strut down the sidewalk and towards the park. I bit my lip as my mind drifted to Rylee. Ugh, I can't wait till he's mine. As I near the park I look up trying to smell Rylee. His sent wafts into my nose and it makes me excited.

Opening my eyes I'm met with Rylee sitting on a bench in nothing but pajama pants and a T-shirt. I shake my head walking up to him my boots clapping against the ground making my presence known. He looks up to meet my eyes. Fear was the only think I saw. My wolf growled seeing the fear in our mate's eyes. I pull off my jacket and sling it over his shoulders.

"You don't have to," he whispered. He started to take off the jacket but I wrapped my arm around him preventing him to move the jacket. Once I saw how warm he looked and the way my wolf purred possessively I wouldn't allow him to take it off.

"Keep it on, you'll need it more than me," I say. My voice blowing on his neck obviously affected him. I smile softly. "Ever since I saw you looked so beautiful and sexy," I growl out looking deep into his eyes. His smile brought me to life.

"Your funny," he said pushing my shoulder. I laugh with him leaning into his side. "You know, Kaylee and Jayden have a huge crush on you," Rylee said softly turning to look at me. I lock our eyes together.

"Do they, I couldn't tell," he smiled brightly at my sarcastic remark. I close my eyes wanting to remember his sent and aura. I felt him poking my cheek and I chuckle. When I open my eyes I notice how close we are. I memorize every last feature on his face.

"What? Do I have something on my face?" He asks feeling his face. I chuckle and shake my head. "What is it?" He asks looking confused as ever.

"Hmm, there's something on your lip, let me get it," I whisper caressing his cheek while leaning into his lips. I close my eyes readying myself for this kiss. I've been waiting forever to feel what it's like to kiss my mate. An unfamiliar sent invades my nose. It's extremely close. I growl pulling my face away from Rylee. He looked at me scared and shocked. I run my eyes over the area trying to pin point the threat.

The rustling in the bushes were a dead giveaway. "Come out now," I command not wanting to threaten the presence. I didn't know who I was working with. Rylee gasps and he stands up. I stand up and grab his arm. "Rylee," I said. He yanked his arm away from me and ran to the bushes.

"Are you okay?" Rylee asks in a soft caring voice. I heard a loud whimper. I ran to Rylee's side. I sigh seeing the sent was only a small child. He had big round eyes and a cute fat noses. He was a beautiful tan color. His hair was long and matted. Gashes decorated his body. I gasp smelling the familiar sent.

"Rylee we have to go. Grab the child!" I said grabbing his hand. Rylee panicked. I throw him onto my back and grab his thighs. If the child shifted then Rylee could drop him if he didn't have two hands on the child, plus I wouldn't mind having Rylee on my back. My wolf purred and groaned at the thoughts.

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