Cutie Pie

644 5 1

Jeon Jungkook

Kim Taehyung

-Third Person P.O.V-

"The group BTS is quickly growing, many fans have supported the seven boys and say that they will make it big. Antis are making their displeasure clear and saying the boys' career will not go anywhere." Taehyung pouted at the tv. Why are people so negative.

"Tae-Tae, guess what! Jimin and Hobi are taking us out for ice cream!" Jungkook bounded into the living room. Taehyung gave him a defeated frown. Jungkook's happy mood was sent out the window, his concern for his boyfriend was all that was left. "What's wrong Tae-Tae?"

"People are saying that we won't go anywhere," Taehyung said wrapping his arms around himself. Jungkook seemed to look at his boyfriend with a saddened but knowing look. "Why can't people just have faith in us?"

Jungkook sighed sitting next to his boyfriend. "Not everyone is as special as you Taehyung," Jungkook said looking at Taehyung. He gave a confused pout, causing Jungkook to smile. "Tae, you're the sweetest and kindest boy. You are understanding and so down to earth, the people who are negative would be as successful as someone with a huge heart like you," Jungkook said pressing his finger over Taehyung's heart.

"You really mean it?" Taehyung asked his mood turning to mush. Jungkook nodded looking into Taehyung's eyes with kind and soft eyes. "Thank you," Taehyung whispered wrapping his arm around Jungkook's chest. Jungkook rested his head against Taehyung's head as they simply ravished in the moment.

   The couple didn't end up going to get ice cream, no they ended up in bed. After Taehyung and Jungkook's little moment they shuffled on to their bedroom, or should we say Taehyung's bedroom, Jungkook would never be caught sleeping in and empty bed - unless Taehyung was going to the bathroom, late to bed, or woke up early - he just simply couldn't stand one night away from Taehyung.

   That's how they always end up in Taehyung's room. At first when their relationship became deeper they started sleeping together - not like they didn't occasionally sneak into each other's beds before their feeling were said. Taehyung's bed was big enough for the two of them to sleep on and also allowed room for Hobi when he wanted someone to cuddle. Jungkook and Taehyung became very jealous when Hobi would cling onto the other.

   Walking in to the three boys seeming to play tug of war in their sleep always brought a smile to Jin's face. He never knew why the three ended up in the same bed - of course he knew why Jungkook was there, but why Hobi? This was a question that Jin brought up to Namjoon and Yoongi countless times. Though no one knew exactly why the boy had choose to sleep with the maknae couple.

   Back to current time, Taehyung was dragging his feet against the ground, squinted eyes, drooping arms. Jungkook always seemed to express the feeling he has towards Taehyung, but when Taehyung is in and out of sleep is when Jungkook goes wild. There was something about Tae during these times that he found utterly cute and adorable. When Tae would hear about this he felt all giddy inside.

   "Come on Baby Tae, we have a long week ahead of us," Jungkook whispered pulling Taehyung into his room by his hand. Closing the door behind him he flicked the lights off having Taehyung draped against his arm. "Oh look at you so cute and adorable," Jungkook cooed kissing Tae's cheek. A soft giggle followed by a blush came from Tae. Jungkook's fond smile went unnoticed by the exhausted Tae. Thinking the boy had enough for one day, Jungkook pushed Taehyung lightly towards the bed. Taehyung's body gravitated towards the sheets and covers.

   Taehyung lazily pulled the covers over him, half done. Jungkook shook his head and climbed in behind Taehyung. Jungkook placed the covers over their hips and left Taehyung feet and waist up exposed - just how Tae liked it. That seemed to be something only Jungkook knew. When Taehyung fell asleep on the couch or in the van, a member would take him to bed. Every time they covered Taehyung's entire body, jungkook knew better than to cover his boyfriend from head to toe. He gets very hot and becomes a personal radiator, but not a pleasant one. They Tae becomes so hot he squirms trying to find a cool spot, which ends in many slaps and kicks.

   Today dance practice was scheduled for four hours. The boys were have the least busy day of the weeks schedule and planned on taking advantage of it. Jungkook and Taehyung - as always - were cling to each other's side. There's no surprise there, except they had to film a dance practice video. Fans would truly go crazy over any skin ship or something as simple as a glance. The boys, excluding Tae and Kookie, knew they were up for a long day.

   Take after take again, the boys just couldn't keep straight faces. Taehyung and Jungkook kept interacting, some in ways that friends wouldn't act. They would peck each other's lips whenever they pass each other. Jungkook latched his hand onto Taehyung hip and didn't let go for more than half the dance. Taehyung continued to jump on and off of Jungkook's back - which wasn't something out of the ordinary for friends but they weren't doing the choreography.

   The others would and couldn't be mad at the couple. They were truly an innocent pair, all their antics were expressed with the upmost love and adoration. Who were they to tell the pair to stop, it was like telling them to stop loving each other or stop breathing. The members love their two youngest too much to put them through something like that. So when the two get out of hand and can't stop expressing their love from one another the others just step back and let it happen. 

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