The Boy in the Window

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-Jungkook's P.O.V-

-Every morning my father sends me and my two older brothers out to deliver the newspaper to the town. I ride my bike through the east neighborhood throwing a newspaper up ever driveway or front gate. The houses in the northern area of my neighborhood are old and run down, father says they've been there for almost 100 years.

They aren't that bad to look at, just rotting wood and peeled paint. But there is one that I try to avoid, the old Turner house. Mr. Turner lives there, he's the man you don't want to mess with. He's a large man with tattoos, a mean and scary look on his face. I don't see much of him, only when he came driving up in an old beat up truck at five in the morning.

On those days I'd wait till he was in the house to send his newspaper up the driveway. But there was always something curious about him and that house. When I would stop for even just a second in front of that house the curtains would move and a small face of a boy would pop up in the window. At first it scared me but then I became used to the face and our minute staring sessions.

He'd never come out and say hi, no matter how many times I motioned him to come out he'd give me a saddened look and close the curtains. After some time I began to think, had Mr. Turner been keeping a child captive? What if he was a child predator? So one night I brought it up to my parents.

"Mother, father, do you know about the boy that lives in Mr. Turner's house?" My mother stopped reading the book she was reading and my father turned away from the stove. My brothers looked at me like I was a freak, typical. "Hello? Anybody?"

"Honey What are you talking about? Mr. Turner doesn't have a child." My mother spoke up with a slight amused tone in her words. What's so funny huh? Am I right, is Mr. Turner a child predator?

"No honey remember JooHyun, they had that one boy together, oh what was his name?" Father spoke up, he had a pondering look in his eyes. So he does have a son, that means he's not a child predator. "You know the one that got sent off after she left Turner?"

"Oh I remember now, his name was Namjoon," Mother looked to my father and they both looked victorious. "I didn't know Turner brought him back," mother looked quizzically into space and Father gave a simple shrug. And just as fast ask I blurted our my question the conversation ended and mother was talking about a business that went bankrupt.


-That next morning on my daily rounds I stopped at Mr. Turner's home. The boy wasn't at the curtain like usual. Furrowing my eyebrows I grab a newspaper in hand and fling my hand back to launch it up the drive when the familiar sound of Mr. Turner's car pulling down the road met my ears. My eyes followed the car till it was parking the the driveway.

Propping my bike on a telephone pole I ran to Mr. Turner and handed him his newspaper. He looked down at me with an unreadable expression. "Mr. Turner, would it be alright if I spoke to you? Only for a minute." I pleaded.

He stood there without saying a word before I heard his voice for the first time. "I'll get us some water and we can talk on the porch," my eyes widen at the softness in his voice. Nodding my head quickly I follow after the man with quick steps. He left me for a minute before he came back with two cold bottles of water, having me one and setting himself down in the plastic chair.

"What do you want to know kid?" He asked taking a sip of his water. There was so many questions I'd like to ask but where do I start? Then I decided on the one that makes the most sense.

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