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Taehyung's P.O.V

"Listen Taehyung, we understand how you feel. But not all of the members are going to be comfortable with. That's why we think it's best that we keep this all a secret."

The sweat running down my face and the pounding in my heart as the screams and cheering of the fans was heard behind stage. Shaking my hands and body trying to psych myself out of this nervousness. Closing my eyes and taking in deep breaths.

"We understand that you don't want to hide this but just for another year."

"You okay Taehyung?" I turn feeling the touch of our leader's hand on my shoulder. I nod quickly training my eyes on the blinding lights hitting the stage. "5 minutes boys!"

You can do this Taehyung, just wait a little longer a they'll understand when the time comes. Act straight, they won't suspect a thing.

"Alright get out their boys, just a few more songs left," their stage director called moving all the boys towards the crawl space under the stage. Seconds latter the mechanics lift the stage up and we are shown to the fans. The chants got louder and stronger.

Music blasted, vocals belted, and rapping spat. Taking in a breath I wandered around the stage trying to distract myself. I sang into my mic feeling terrified.

"Your whole career is on the line Taehyung. Either you keep this a secret or you walk out that door and never come back. We can't afford to have the first openly gay idol." Tears streamed down my face. "Then why can't I tell the guys."

As another one of my parts came up I decided it was now or never. Holding the mic up I close my eyes preparing myself. Before I finished the lyrics of the song I dropped it.

"I'm gay," I said into the mic.

My heart beat rapidly as the entire stadium turned silent. All that I could hear was my heavy breathing and murmurs of the fans. Standing tall I walked off the stage. The managers came to me with irritation clear on their faces. Staff looked on with shock.

"What did you think you were doing?! You might as well just ruin the other boys' careers while your at it!" The manager yelled. "Why didn't you listen to us?!" I stopped walking facing my managers.

"Because! I'm tired of lying, acting like I'm straight when I'm not. If I'm not living my live being true to myself then how can I be happy? Do you think the guys would still like to live with someone that checks them out when they change? Do you think that keeping my sexuality in the dark that it would make everything easier."

Countless of hatred built up inside me. My sexuality would change how people looked at me, what they thought of me and my group. How could I carry on my life knowing I've lied to my fans and the people I consider my brothers, for years.

"You will get back on that stage and tell everyone that you are joking. How dare you be so selfish to only think of yourself and not what you have done to BTS!" My manager shouted. My eyes drifted to the boys all staring at me with shock. With a spur of confidence I walked over to the boys, standing in front of Jungkook.

"I'm sorry," I whispered grabbing his cheeks in my hands and crashed our lips together. I savored the moment before parting and walking back to the managers. "No," I said grabbing my jacket and mask.

I had finally gotten what I wanted, to tell my fans that I like boys and not girls. But something didn't feel right. I was okay with loosing my career, I was fine with losing the fans that didn't like me. What was I not happy about? I couldn't figure it out.

I hadn't had time to process things when a crowd of fan girls pooling out of the venue. Pulling on my mask and jacket I walked the other direction. Keeping my head down, trying to keep a low profile. My heart beat raced when I was pulled into an alleyway.

"What do you think you were doing?!" I sighed recognizing the voice without even opening my eyes. The anger was evident in his voice and I was angry with myself now.

"Listen Jungkook, I'm sorry. I know you're not gay, but I just need to kiss you. It's something that I've been wanting to do for a long time but I knew I couldn't." I sighed netting Jungkook eyes to eyes.

"You don't know anything! Just shut up and kiss me," Jungkook demanded jumping onto me. My hands wrapped around his thighs holding him against me as our lips morphed together. Soft moans and whimpers left Jungkook's lips as I rugged and nipped at his bottom lip. "You have no idea how much I've wanted this."

"I can't wait to tell you all my fantasies about you and hold you incredibly close," I said craning my neck over his shoulder. "I've dreamt of this day for years, why hadn't I had the guts sooner?" I mumbled rubbing circles into Jungkook's thigh.

"Everyone needs time, and I know that with time this thing between us with be so strong neither of us can resist it. And you want to know something?" Jungkook whispered into my ear. I let out a breathy 'what' urging Jungkook to continue. "I won't resist it. Not one bit."

We chuckled together sharing a few kisses here and there during the few minutes of silence we had. It was all broken by a squeal, which set off a chain reaction of screams and overly joyed fan girls and fan boys. I looked out of the alley way with a dropped jaw at all the fans gathered around watching Jungkook and I.

Turning my gaze to Jungkook his face was a deep red. My chuckle caused him to become too shy and his in my neck. I nuzzled my face into his pecking his neck as we stood in peace at fans took videos and photos.

I couldn't have cared less. Me and Jungkook were unofficially, officially dating. If sent butterflies through me and shocks of joy and happiness send me overboard. Jungkook was for sure going to get in trouble for this but if he care about me the way I care for him then he wouldn't care and be who he is.

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