Be Mine 2

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-Third Person P.O.V-

"Ah, so SeokJin we heard that singing and acting wasn't your first choice at a career. Do you have anything to elaborate on that?" The mc asked from his chair. SeokJin smiled kindly brushing away a piece of hair.

"That is correct. Originally I was supposed to take over my father's business as the CEO, but I wanted to become a nurse. I had studied in medical school for two years before I was giving the opportunity to make a career off of singing and acting." SeokJin finished keeping his eyes on the MC.

"Wow, recent news has come up that you had a relationship previously to your career, is this all just a rumor of is it real?" The MC asked reading off his queue cards. SeokJin shifted uncomfortably.

"Yes that's true. I had a previous relationship, I don't like being public for things like this or talking much about it. But I will confirm that I didn't have a past lover." SeokJin said sadly. The memories have haunted him ever since the day he left.

"I see, now we wanted to talk more about your new album, how did you come up with such meaningful and emotional lyrics?" The TV turned off. Namjoon sat on the couch with a beer in hand. His life has gone spiraling done into depression and pain.

"Maybe you wouldn't be like this if you didn't push him away Namjoon. Contact him, if you're here wasting your life away might as well just hit him up," Yoongi said falling into the seat right next to Namjoon.

"He wouldn't like that. I treated him like he was meaningless for a whole year. It messed him up so much. Why do you think he would want me back into his life?" Namjoon questioned drink the last of his beer, setting it on the coffee table with the five other bottles.

"You could try. The guy looks miserable talking about you, maybe he misses you." Yoongi said pointing his finger at the TV. His gasping brought Namjoon's eyes to his. "I have the perfect plan. So you know how Hoseok and Jimin are apart of that one entertainment? Well we have them bring you up to their managers and the CEO and boom, you're a rapper!"

"And what does that have to do with getting SeokJin back?" Namjoon questioned. "More importantly how the hell am I going to become a rapper?" Namjoon said cracking open another beer. Yoongi snatched the bottle away and the bottle opener too.

"What I'm saying is, if you become an idol, you can request to collaborate with SeokJin. If he's even half as nice as you make him out to be he would turn down the opportunity to help out a new artist. Therefore you get to see him once again and you can build up your relationship," Yoongi said clapping his hands.

"I hate to say this Yoongi, but that's not a bad idea," Namjoon said taking his beer back and taking a sip. "Only problem would be that it would take years for me to get into the mold of an idol." Yoongi sighed racking through his mind for another idea.

His friend has been miserable sine SeokJin left. Five years of Namjoon letting his life waste away. Yoongi would say that all Namjoon's life he's been terrible at relationships. But that wasn't true. Namjoon had fallen in love with this really cute boy back in middle school. He was head over heals for him. Namjoon had thought they had mutual feelings so when he went in for a kiss he didn't expect to be slapped in the face and told the boy had a boyfriend already.

Ever since Namjoon hadn't really had any faith in love. When he was told that he could gain the success he wanted he was all in. But with the added marriage he wasn't happy. He was angry with himself for falling in love with SeokJin. The guy was the definition of perfection, beauty. Namjoon knew that he would never be up to the standards of SeokJin.

Now ignoring SeokJin 24/7 wasn't the right way to go, but at the time that's what Namjoon thought he had to do to get over the boy. It never worked. And when SeokJin decided to leave it made Namjoon feel worse. He knew he wasn't good enough for SeokJin and he knew that he messed up. Now there was little to nothing of hope for Namjoon in the love department.

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