Dance For Me

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-Taehyung's P.O.V-

Everyone shouted at the end of the practice. With all of group and the rest of the guys it created a ringing after the intense sound. I chuckled turning to JiSung. He gave me a double high five. "Alright guys, practice is over you all are free to go home but PD-nim did want to see Hansol and Hyuk," Namjoon said from the center of the room.

"Hey Namjoon," I said tapping his shoulder. When he turned to me he had raised eyebrows. "I was wondering if me and a few guys could use the room for a few hours, we wanted to work on some choreography for your guys' next comeback, is that okay?" I asked hesitant on his answer. Don't get me wrong he was one of the sweetest guys I've met but you never know.

He smiled widely. "Sure, I think some of the boys were thinking of coming here tonight to dance. If you guys can be out of here before the building closes that'd be great," I smiled thankfully. Informing the few boys that wanted to stay we sat back and watched the rest leave. I didn't even get a chance to see the other group members, I was really hoping to meet up with Hoseok and go over some moves with him.

We had started on some of the new choreography we had learned for the group's next comeback. Only a selected few would be in the MV and I really wanted to be up there. But when we had practiced all we could JiSung brought up an idea. "Let's do a fun dance, something we haven't done in a long time," the mischievous look in his eyes had me worried.

Non-the-least we let him find the song he wanted. SanJin rolled his eyes as if he knew exactly what JiSung was going to play. I found myself pondering what he could possibly be picking. As of recent we've been practicing the group's dance. On our free time like tonight we would dance to our favorite songs. Kino loved to add in his own dances and it always cracked us up. But the only thing we haven't been doing recent was a lot of girl group dances.

Knowing that I got excited. We loved to dance to the girl group dances because it was just fun to move my body the way that I hadn't done in the more masculine dances we practice. The speakers were turned up loudly and a song I hadn't listened to in forever came on. Our little group cheered getting into positions. The adrenaline in me spiked the second Hyolyn started singing.

When we finished I felt all my adrenaline subside. "That was so fun!" I squealed pushing JiSung's shoulder, he chuckled and threw me a water bottle. We heard a loud cough from the door, looking over we found Jimin, Jungkook, and Hoseok. Bowing respectfully we greeted the boys and collected our things. After a little chit chat with the boys we started heading out.

My arm was grabbed tightly and I was stopped. "Meet me in the practice room down the hall, I'll be there in a few." My heart leaped out of my chest when I heard the voice of Jungkook whispered into my ear. Nodded my head obediently I told the guys I was heading to the bathroom and to not wait up for me. Once the cost was clear I head for the practice room. By far it was one of the smallest practice rooms the building had.

   Take a seat in the middle of the room I pulled my phone out and waited for Jungkook. He was going to take a while and it was most likely going to be hard for him to get away from Jimin and Hoseok. I would know, one time I had asked the simple question of how to do a certain move and it turned into an hour conversation about our lives. Having the experience to open up to them was nice but I had a dog to feed.

   My back started aching and I laid on my stomach. Playing a video on my phone I had ended up loosing track of the time, nor had I realized, due to my concentration, that Jungkook had entered the room and locked the door behind him. But I did notice the sudden weight on my back side. Feeling the air rush out of me I groaned and roll to get him off of me but end up in a tight grip.

   "Yah! You're so heavy," I whin pushing at his chest. All he did was chuckle at me and press his lips to mine. These moments I love the most. We weren't public about our relationship much less have we told the group or my friends. I've only told JiSung, which Jungkook knows of and he's only told PD-nim. "Why did you want me in here huh? So you can have your way with me?"

   I stood up not enjoying the hard wood flooring. Jungkook hopped to his feet and brought me closer by my waist. "I've missed you, ever since last week I could stop think about it and I got aroused at the worst times. Baby you had me hard during an interview," he said making me giggle. "So I think it's only fair I have my way with you," his grin was devious.

   "Jungkook!" I squealed pushing his shoulders. "We can't have sex in the practice room, theres security cameras!" I shouted in a whisper. He started laughing his butt off. I'll admit in my mind that his laugh was cute but never out loud at this moment. "Yah! This is serious! You don't want the security to see that!" I whine huffing at the way he cracked up again.

   "Your so funny Tae," he contained his laughter but not his grin. "I only wanted to dance with you," he said letting me go. Standing in the center of the room with a glare set on my eyes and a pout I watched Jungkook hook his phone up to the speaker. "Come here," he motioned over to himself and reluctantly I took his hands and let him kiss me gently.

   "But I haven't learned any dances with you yet," I was only stating a fact. As much as we love dancing we never danced one-on-one. The thought made me sad that we hadn't shared our love in this form yet and dance meant a lot to the both of us. Jungkook grinned pulling back into the center after starting the music.

   "Just do what your body feels, lose yourself in the music like you did just minutes ago," he whispered before he went straight in to dancing. (You just need to watch the first pair here.)

   Closing my eyes I relished in his warmth. I felt so happy and free, I wanted to dance with Jungkook for the rest of my life. "I love you Jungkook," I whispered running my fingers through his hair. He grinned pecking my lips slowly.

   "I love you my dear," he whispered nuzzling our noses together. Yawning silently I rest my head on his shoulder and close my eyes. "Why don't we go get a hotel. I'll tell the Hyungs that I went to spend the night at a friends, we can spent tonight and tomorrow together? How does that sound?" Jungkook tilts my chin up and I smile sleepily.

   "It sounds perfect," I said loving the gentle touch of his fingers. "Now carry me, I'm tired," I whispered jumping onto his hips. With a chuckle from the man I love the most we set off to my car. The winter air bit at my skin and I seek warmth in Jungkook. I didn't want to let go of him, so I forced him to let me sit on his lap while he drove. Of course this wasn't safe but it was night time and not many people were out.

   That night Jungkook and I kissed and cuddled on the king sized bed. Nothing was rated R, that was until the morning. Morning sex was the best sex and I knew Jungkook couldn't agree more. And just like he promised we spent the day together in the hotel room enjoying each other's company, huffing from the public and Jungkook's group. I love to have the feeling of being the one that could realize Jungkook of all his stress and worries.


I hope you all liked it. I was inspired to write this when I watched the Not Today dance practice and thought it would be cute, please tell me your thoughts.

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