Biker Bar

613 9 0

Dustin Jones

Marvin Deed

-Dustin's P.O.V-

   I called Marvin a few minutes ago, asking if he could come to the bar. He always hated the bar because of all the scary bikers that took over the place. I'm one of those scary bikers but I know he loves me. Plus I just wanted to show him off to all the guys. He's a real something and I know everyone would like a piece of him.

   "So, Dustin you going for a ride with us tonight?" Bobby, a good friend of mine asked. Him and his girlfriend know about Marvin and have met him in person. Other than them, none of my biker friend have seen him - being that all my friends are bikers, but the occasional friend of Marvin's.

   "Maybe, I'll have to see what Marvin wants to do. He just got off work a few minutes ago." I said tapping the rim of my drink. Bobby nodded wrapping his arms around Michell. "Who's going anyway?" I asked taking a peek at the door.

   "Toby, Rachel, Mimi, Tyson, Luke, Martin, and Luna. That's all I know about," Bobby said. I nodded downing the rest of my water. There's no way in hell I would put Marvin in danger. Driving while intoxicated it definitely not on the list of thing I want to do with Marvin. "Oh, look it's your boy now."

   I followed Bobby's eyes to the entrance. Marvin stood there, his eyes searching around the bar. I may love Marvin but I hate how oblivious he can be. He never noticed the stares he got when we went out. Why would he notice all the stares of these biker dudes?

   He made his way over, silence fell over the entire bar. The clacking of Martin's shoes on the ground was the only sound - aside from the ruffling of clothes. No wonder everyone had their eyes on him. He had these tight blue jeans and a black graphic tee. Even in the most simple clothes he look magnificent.

   I could help but notice the stares of a few guys and girls following his butt. Letting out a breathy growl, which went unnoticed by everyone. I hate when people look at him. He's mine, don't they see. The hickeys on his neck  should be an immediate sign that he's taken.

   My smirk grew as some people looked on with glares and jealousy. Marvin came right up to me and planted a kiss on my lips. I smiled pulling Marvin into a hug and sending a glare towards everyone. Getting the hint they turned back to what they were doing.

   "Hey baby, how was work?" I asked sitting back in my seat. Marvin pulled up a seat sitting next to me with a pout.

   "My boss is putting so much work on me. I have to fill in for two different people for the whole week. Then he has me doing a project that is due in half a week." Marvin slumped down. I smiled running my hand up and down his thigh.

   "How about we go for a ride? Bobby and some of the other guys are heading out for some cruising, what do you say?" I asked gently kneading his thigh. He slowly leaned onto my shoulder.

   "That sounds nice," he whispered laying his hand over mine. I smiled through my beard and pressed a soft kiss to his head. "When are we going to go?"

   "In a little bit, let's enjoy the night," I nipped at his ear. This earned my giggles and a shove. I chuckled myself pulling him closer. We shared a water and fell into a nice silence. The chatter around us pulling us into a trance.

   "Hey, we're heading out now, you guys coming?" Bobby asked his arm wrapped around Michell. I nodded standing up and helping Marvin to his feet. We started heading for the exit. Holding Marvin close to me, away from the guys I knew weren't afraid to fight just to have a little fun.

   Swinging my leg over my bike I handed Martin his helmet. I let him pick it out himself. It was this purple and gold background with black flames. Going out on a limb I let him choose mine and of course he had to have a laugh and got me a hot pink helmet.

   "Hey Dustin, are you going to introduce us to your boy here?" Tyson asked. Martin stood behind him watching his every move. These two I swear, Martin is overly protective and Tyson is really nosey. No one thought they would last long but they are married after fire years and our planning on starting a family.

   "Right, guys this is Martin my boyfriend of two years. Martin these are my friends," I said pulling Martin's legs closer as soon as he was on the bike.

   "It's nice to finally get to meet you I Luna. Dustin has been hiding you for some time now. I can see why, any of those guys in there would snatch you up in a heartbeat," Luna said strapping in her helmet. "Man if I wasn't lesbian I would want some too."

   "Hi, I'm Mimi, and this is my boyfriend Luke." Mimi came up shaking hands with Martin. "Dustin has told us so much about you. You look just how he described you." Mimi squealed pulling Luke to his bike.

   "Hey, Toby's the name. Nice to meet you," Toby said waving his hand. He sauntered off without a care. Rachel slapped his back.

   "Don't mind him, he's always a jerk. I'm Rachel, and I hope that you have a long relationship with Dustin. You make him soft," Rachel laughed before running off to Toby. I rolled my eyes starting up my bike. Marvin's arms went around my waist as we pulled out onto the road.

   We stayed out for about two hours till we decided to split ways. Having another idea - besides going back home - I drove up onto a mountain that over looked the city. Marvin didn't ask any questions. When we got there, I could already tell there were a bunch of teens making out in their cars. Parking in a more secluded spot.

   "What are we doing here?" Marvin asked taking off his helmet. I hooked my helmet around the handle bars and pressed my hands into the seat, either side of Marvin.

   "I thought maybe we could have some one on one time so you can release some stress," I said huskily. Marvin chuckled softly wrapping his arms around my waist. A grin came to my lips seeing the playful look in Marvin's eyes.

   Our lips molded together in a slow, passionate kiss. We lasted for a few minutes taking breaths every now and then. A loud moan alerted all the surrounding people. People started yelled and honking. I chuckled looking over to the car that held two teens.

   "What do you say we head home, I'll cook you something nice and then we can take a relaxing bath. Maybe watch a movie till we fall asleep?" I asked pecking Marvin's lips.

   "I would like that," he hummed pulling on his helmet, I chuckled strapping in my own and starting up my bike. With a tight grip on my waist we headed home. I love nights like this. Spending time with Marvin and helping him relax.

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