Happy Ever After

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-Namjoon's P.O.V-

I held Jimin tightly, the winter nights were cold. Being that was was naturally pale worried me when the cold came around. He clung onto my tightly burying his cold nose in my neck. "Are you getting warmer now?" I asked clutching his bare waist. He hummed locking his arms under my arms.

"Much warmer," he whispered against my neck sending shivers through me. "But I'd be much much more warmer if we did some physical activity." He grumbled against my ear biting sensually. Biting my lip and rub his waist and back. "We're half way there too," he whispered running his down my chest til his fingers slipped under my underwear.

"I don't think you want to go there," I growled deeply pulling him closer as his fingers danced under my underwear. He smirked pressing our lips into a slow passionate kiss. I loved the feeling, wanting to do this ever second of the day.

"I think I do," he whispered when we pulled apart. Rolling over I attacked him under the blankets. Rubbing, grinding, licking, biting, kissing, everything was just so loving and passionate. I love Jimin with all my heart and I knew he felt the same. My worries of him leaving were very slim.

Living in a small cottage miles from town held him here. Was he being held captive? No, I could never do that to him. In fact when we met I was in town shopping for the months supplies. He was this cute boy that had sold me some potatoes. I remember when I came back the next month he was in tears when he saw me come to his family's stand.

He had hugged me tightly and cried into my shoulder. I was taken aback by the sudden action. He then went to ramble on about how he missed me and that it was love at first sight. Telling me that he was waiting for me to show up days after our first meeting. He profusely explained to me how devastating he was when he had to wait four weeks till he saw me again.

After the meeting I left for home to come back a few days later just to see the boy. He was so happy to see me too, leaving his family's stand to take me around the town. We ate brunch together, watched the children frolic in the park. He showed me the new houses being build telling me of his dream to live in a big and beautiful cottage.

Months later, many visits and dates had been sprinkled in those four months, Jimin declared to me that he wanted to get married. I was in no way going to refuse him, I loved him too much at the time to say no. A week later I asked for his hand in marriages of course asking his father for permission before hand. Jimin immediately said yes. And a month later we got married in the church that he said was the location of his dream wedding. Being of poor decent I wasn't able to give him the big and luxury wedding he wanted.

He moved into my cottage with me the day after our wedding. We spent countless days and nights for our honeymoon. I still felt like we were on our honeymoon. He constantly teased me, even when I refused to do any sexual acts he persuaded me into it. In the end I was happy and content with him in my arms.

After our fun we held each other close staying in the earth while we could. He was breathless against my chest, clutching onto me while he panted and calmed his heart. I was nothing less of his state, my mouth hung open slightly as I exhaled and inhaled deeply. Even after the two rounds he still wanted more and I could see it in his eyes. The lust and cravings they held as he looked into my eyes.

But his want and need was cut short when there was a knock on the door. Ushering him off of me I dressed in decent clothing ordering him to dress as well. He wasn't happy with our guess as he mumbled curses under he breath as I helped him dress. Kissing his cheek I lead him to the door. Opening the wooden door we were met with a beautiful young lady. She offered us a smile and curtsied.

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