Paint Me 2

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-Jungkook's P.O.V-

Leaving the police station I was fuming. It was ridiculous, him think that he could just push this under his bed and act like nothing happened. I've worked too hard for this, sacrificed so many thing for him and this is how he's going to repay me? Although given that he obviously didn't know of my attempts, which is dumb of him because I was so obvious with it.

Mowing my lawn without a shirt just to get his attention. Sitting on my roof at the late nights hoping to catch a glimpse of him searching for me. Purposely leaving my curtains open so he can look in whenever he feels. 'Forgetting' to leave the window open when I bring someone over or when I pleasure myself. It was all to gain his attention and seduce him, I succeeded but I need him in my arms, in my home, my bed, my life.

"Everyone out!" I shouted at my 'friends', cleaning up their mess. Putting out the fire that these drunk idiots hadn't put out, and tossing their things into my yard. "Get our now!" I pushed them out and shut the door on them. Looking at my living room and kitchen everything was pretty clean. My room was a different story though. I had a little fun the other day with this girl that looked so much like Taehyung, but she wasn't him and that really frustrated me and I wasn't able to get off.

Cleaning my room up, washing the sheets, wiping down every surface. I needed to distract myself, otherwise without seeing Taehyung out that window I'd go crazy. Not being able to take it opened my window opening Taehyung's window and jumping into his bed. Breathing in his scent I relished the moment. Before I knew it I had an erection. Groaning loudly I hurried my nose into his pillow.

Causing friction between me and the bed I was able to get off for the first time in what felt like weeks. Now my pants were sticky and gross. Deciding this was enough stalker-ish behavior I jumped back into my room and fell onto my bed hoping for tomorrow night to came fast then I can bail Taehyung out and he can come live with me.

   "How am I going to get him here?" I whispered to myself narrowing my eyes at the ceiling. He wouldn't willingly agree and forcing him might turn out bad. Maybe I can tease him till he snaps. Smirking I throughout my plans. It's simple, now that he for sure knows that I like him he won't be able to keep his eyes off me right? "I hope this works."


   It's been a week! A week since I've bailed Taehyung out. I've done everything. Mow the lawn without a shirt, get the mail with only my boxers on, worked out in my driveway, walked around my bedroom in nothing but underwear, even taking it was far as being naked in my room to get his attention. Nothing was working and I was getting fed up.

   "You've brought this onto yourself Kim Taehyung," I grumbled not bothering with the safety of jumping into Taehyung's room. What frustrates me even more is the fact that he left his window and curtains wide open. But at the moment it was a perfect way to get in.

I spend a few minutes in his room alone. "What the-" I looked to the open door. Taehyung stood with widened eyes and a dropped jaw. Smirking I walked my way over and pressed our lips together. Pulling him closer with a hand on his waist and another on the back of his head. "Jungkook," he mumbled into our kiss.

Groaning happily I pulled him in, slam the door and lock it. Backing him up until he met the bed, I help him get comfortable against the mattress while focusing my lips on his jaw. "I don't like it when you play hard to get baby," I whisper in his ear. "As your punishment I'm going to make love to you all night long, hard, slow, every single possible direction. I want you to scream my name."

Taehyung moans loudly as I roam my fingers nimbly over his nipples. "Jungkook," his breathy moans were what I've wanted to here for the longest time and I think I might have came just from the sound. "Do it, I want to feel you. I don't want to deny you anymore, just love me," he whined clawing at my clothed back.

Growling lowly I tore of his and my shirts. "Let's take this to my place," I said not wanting the man downstairs to interrupt us. Taking Taehyung into my arms I launched him right through my window to bounce on the bed. I climbed in and fell onto my bed over him. He was giggling and holding his stomach. "Let's get started," I smirked pulling down his pants.


The room was filled with a comfortable silence. We both were exhausted as the sun just started to come up. Taehyung laid quietly on my chest drawing circles around my now hardest nipple. "How are you doing?" I asked running my fingers up and down his back dipping down his butt which mad him shiver.

"I'm fine now, I don't know about when I stand up." He looked up at me from his position, in order for me to see his face clearly I had to tilt my head against my chest which created a double chin. Taehyung started giggling running his finger tip over my double chin. "You did go pretty hard, it felt good though. Really good."

I could hear the lust that was slowly taking over him. Smirking widely I brought his lips to mine and kissed him slowly. He started rubbing against my thigh. Deciding to help his suffering I started fingering him, making him a moaning mess till he came seconds later. I was baffled at how many organisms he had during the night, not to mention the about that came out.

"You felt really nice around me baby. Better than anyone I've been with," I whispered rolling more of his body on top of mine, I just really wanted to hold all that his backside had to offer. "I love you Taehyung," I kissed the top of his head, massaging his lower back. The night was rough and I felt bad for putting such pain on him.

"I love you too Jungkook," he whispered against my chest. In mere seconds he was asleep, the light touches of his breath on my chest sent chills through me. This has been what I've dreamed of. Holding him in my arms, claiming him as mine. Everything was perfect and I want it to stay that way. Closing my eyes I let the exhaustion from our previous activities caught up with me.


I know it's short but I hope this pleases you all! Love you lots!! 😘

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