Hey There

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Samuel Harris

Jake Mitchell

Marshal Taylor

-Samuel's P.O.V-

~February 16~

   Jake and I have been planning this date for a month now. We started talking about having a nice fancy dinner together, go to the river at night and see all the lights strung up. Jake had called me after lunch asking if I was free tonight. I put on some sexy clothes just for Jake.

   Coming to a stop in front of the Italian restaurant. Sitting down at one of the benches placed outside of the restaurant, I straightened out my clothes making it look presentable. I watched as families and couples walked in.

   Jake was five minutes late. My eyes constantly searched the parking lot for Jake's car. Not finding it I sighed looking down to my lap. Thirty minutes late and I tried to call Jake. He didn't pick up the two times I called. My texts weren't read or answered.

   A hour later employee walked out. The open sign was changed to closed and my hopes were at a low. I've called Jake thirteen times, all going to voicemail. I've sent him countless of texts with no answer back. Looking around for the last time I stood up and trudged my way to no where in particular.

   Pulling out my phone I tired to call Jake again. Nothing. Ending the call, I text him that I'm leaving the restaurant. Yet again no answer back. I felt like everyone was watching me. Judging me for being stood up by my own boyfriend.

~March 23~

Jake hasn't responded to any of my messages or calls for the past two days. His friends told me not to worry and give him space. When I called the house phone his mother would pick up with a pitiful under tone. So I decided to take matters into my own hands.

If Jake was going to ignore me and not tell me what the problem was then I'm finding out for myself. Grabbing my keys and phone I headed out. I drove my car to his house finding his car as well as a lifted truck parked in front of their house. Knocking my fist against the door I waited for a response. The door opened and a tall handsome and muscular guy answered it with a granola bar in between his lips.

"Uh, can I help you?" He asked raising an eyebrow. I scoffed lightly, why is there a guy that I've never met in Jake's house? "Hello? I asked you a question," the guy said taking the granola bar out of his mouth.

"Yeah, I'm looking for Jake," I said. The guys eyes widened and he looked back into the house from the barely opened door. When he looked back at me he gave a nervous smile. Rolling my eyes I shoved passed him and climbed the stairs. The guy chased after me yelling.

When I got to Jake's room my heart hurt. Jake was under a naked man. The man had tattoos all over his body and huge muscle. They stopped their actions and Jake looked terrified. "What's going on?" I asked in a quiet voice. Jake scrambled up and pulled on some boxers.

"I'm sorry Sammy. There's a reason for this, although it may not be a good reason there still is one," he said reaching for my arm. I pulled back and held beck the tears. Jake gave me a saddened look, his eyes pleading for me to listen to what he had to say. Nodding my head I followed Jake down the stairs with the two unknown guys following behind.

We sat on the couch for an extended period of time filled with silence. Jake sat next to me, both of our bodies facing each other. "So why are you cheating on me?" I asked pulling at my nails. Jake took a long intake of air before gulping loudly. We made eye contact and I could tell this was hard for him.

"Sammy, I love you. I truly do but you can't give me what I want or need," I furrowed my eyebrows at that statement. "I like being a bottom Sam. With you I could only be the top because you refused to be the bottom. I know I should have told you sooner but I had only found out I like being the bottom about a month and a half ago."

I nodded my head, still hurt that he would lie to me. But how could you be with someone that doesn't fulfill you're emotional and physical needs? "How did you figure this all out?" I asked. Jake gave me a small smile.

"It's kind of embarrassing but, I found your stash of sex toys and got curious," Jake said a blush invading his cheeks. My eyes widened, horrified that my boyfriend had used my sex toys on himself. "Sorry, it's just I could help it."

I looked up to the guy that was in bed with Jake and he had a full blown smirk on his face. The guy who had answered the door was biting his lip and squirming around. Turning my eyes back to Jake I whispered, "which on did you use?"

"The clear blue one," he said looking down to his lap. I whined softly, I had used that one a week ago. "And the clear long one," he said quietly. Slapping his arm I fell into his chest. This had taken him by surprise.

"Those were my favorite," I said in a whisper hoping only Jake could hear. "I used that not to long ago," I said lifting off of Jake. He didn't seem fazed at all. "I haven't cleaned them in a while," I whisper shouted. Jake's eyes widened before turning to a sorry expression.

   "You're not mad at me for cheating?" Jake asked with a cautious lip bit. I shook my head clasping my arms around his neck, hugging him tight. "Oh thank goodness," he whispered hugging me back. We pulled back and Jake looked towards the two guys. "Um Sam, this is Izzy and his brother Marshal. Guys this is Samuel."

The mush larger man nodded his head at me with a slight smirk. The other one who opened the door gave me a wave and a wink. "How'd you guys meet?" I asked turning my eyes back to Jake. He blushed profusely.

"This is so weird," he said with a goofy smile. "Well Marshal was flirting with me at the mall one day and Izzy had saved me from his terrible attempt. And since then Izzy and I have been sort of but not really going out," Jake said turning to face the big buff dude.

I smiled softly. Jake looked happy, plus Marshal looks pretty sexy right now. "Excuse me but I think that I have some great flirting skills," Marshal spoke up. I giggled lightly when Jake and Izzy looked at him with a narrowed eyes.

"Exactly, you think you do," Izzy spoke up and his voice was deep and rough. I almost squealed at how sexy he sounds. I turned to find Jake with his lip between his teeth. Pouting slightly I fell onto Jake cuddling up to his chest.

   "Can we still cuddle?" I asked softly. Jake ran his fingers through my hair, wrapping and arm around me. I took that as a yes and closed my eyes. "I don't think I could live without cuddles," I said smiling into the warmth.

    "I bet I could cuddle you better," Peaking on eyes open I saw Marshal with a big smirk. Izzy was glaring at him and shook his head. I giggled softly feeling Jake's silent laugh under me. Marshal's smirk turned into a soft smile as I closed my eyes.

    "Alright that's enough," Izzy's deep voice vibrates through the air. Hands picked me up by my armpits and set me down on an open part of the couch. Izzy picked Jake up and took him up the stairs. A deep pout resonated on my lips as I watched where the two disappeared.

    My eyes darted back to where Jake once was. Marshal laid there wit a satisfied grin and opened his arms. Raising an eyebrow I watched as he silently tried to speak to me. "Come here," he finally said waving his hands towards his body. Hesitantly I crawled in between his legs putting my hands on either side of his stomach. "Don't be shy."

   Lowering my body onto his I was bombarded by shocks, good shocks. His arms snuck around my waist and rested on my lower back. With a weird fluttering feeling in my gut I laid my head on his toned chest and took in a deep breath. My nose was invaded with a strong sent of earthy-ness and a hint of lemon.

   We stayed in the same spot without any talking for a few minutes. His started to get more confident, brushing his fingers over the exposed skin on my back and nuzzling my head. "You're cute," he whispered slipping his hand under my shirt. I squirmed slightly at the cold sensation.

   His hand continuously stroked up and down my back. It was comforting but I also feared what he could do next. Why did I even cuddle up to him in the first place? Not even five minutes later his hands stopped all movement and soft puffs of air hit my neck. Turning my head to face his I found his eyes closed and mouth slightly open. I smiled softly before snuggling myself into his body.

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