Hidden Prince

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Please excuse any mistakes, I haven't been feeling well. I just had an appointment the other day for my braces and they hurt so bad! Plus a little TMI but I'm on my period and my cramps are killing me like always!

Jung Hoseok
Hidden Prince

Min Yoongi
Palace Guard

-Third Person P.O.V-

   "Jung Hoseok, the hidden prince. No one has ever seen his face. His parents and the nurses who helped the Queen through labor have been the only ones to see the prince's face. There's rumors that the prince is so ugly that his parents shunned him the moment they laid eye on him, forcing a mask and thick heavy robe. Forbidding him to the tallest tower of the castle, to be only allowed on servant who has taken care of him since birth." The man spoke with great exaggeration, waving his hand about standing amongst a crowd of guards and servants.

   It's true, very few have seen the prince. He had never left the tower his parents placed him in. No one knew the true story of the prince. Why he had been locked away from the people on the kingdom. His appearances have been little to none. Servants spoke of seeing a figure the size of a small boy dressed in a long heavy robe and a mask that hid his face. Guards said late at night the soft pattering of footsteps were heard when everyone was asleep. No one has told the story of meeting the prince, that is until now.

-Yoongi's P.O.V-

   Standing guard outside at the royal Eden late at night seemed to be the least wanted task. Guards would complain and ask for a trade. At night was went bandits and assassins did there work. Being the Eden was just on the outskirts of the castle, the more likely of a chance for cowards to choose the easy way in. The Eden was the most peaceful on the grounds of the castle, yet it also held many secrets and horror stories. Guards that were stationed here came back shaking in their boots, babbling about a ghost wandering the Eden.

   Even the head of the guards was terrified of the place. They had sent me to guard the Eden, saying they wanted to send their most trusted but fearless guard. Standing at this post for the past three nights, there was no signs of ghosts or bandits. The stories told were all lies, none true. A petty guard wanting to tell their brave experience.

   With clasped hands behind my back and a head held high, I scanned the area with glaring eyes. A soft mumbling coming from the depths of the Eden alerting my senses. Grasping my fingers around the hilt of my sword, I took caution into the Eden. There in the middle of the Eden, gracefully walking upon the slick tiles, stood a figure in a long robe, reached past the feet of the figure with the family crest on the breast, falling of the shoulder exposing the most beautiful, smooth, and soft skin I've seen. Next to the figure stood a man in knee length robe that held the royal family crest as well.

   They spoke in hushed voices, seeming to argue back and forth. "My Prince, you mustn't be out here. Your parents put you in my care, if they found you out here they would be fuming." The man spoke firmly. I got curious and tilted my head to listen better.

   "SeokJin, don't be so worried. No one can hear us out here. Can you please go fetch me my sandals, it seems as though I have forgotten them. You know what happens to my feet when I walk amongst this litter," the figure I assumed to be the Prince spoke. A honeysuckle sweet tone, it did something to me I didn't want to admit. The man, SeokJin, sighed, turning away from the Prince. Trailing my eyes after the man who disappeared into a hidden passage that lead into the ground. "You don't have to hide anymore."

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