Long Distance

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Andy's P.O.V

   Giggles left my lips as I watched Jason workin out on the screen of my old laptop. I had caught his attention and his sweet like honey smile melted me from the inside out. A wide grin spread across my lips feeling that oh so familiar feeling of contentment and happiness.

   "What are you giggling about? Huh?" Jason says

   The smug grin that pulled at his lip made the soft blush intensify, spreading down my neck and to my ears. The butterflies swirling around my stomach pushed little laughs out my lips. With my face covered by knitted sleeves and the overwhelming feelings of joy spread through me.

   "The real question is, what are you doing to me?" I questioned.

   Falling back into the pool of pillows and blankets settled on my warm and cozy bed. The harmonious chuckles of my oh so loving boyfriend sent me into a state of lethargic. Instinctively the pillow that was dented with the masculine sent of Jason's cologne was slipped under my head, strategically placed in between my legs and arms.

   "Get some sleep baby, I'll see you soon," Jason's soft soothing voice slowly lulled me to sleep.

   I hummed softly. Thinking nothing of it and definitely not in a state to comprehend things, I feel asleep with Jason and the thought of him coming to see me in a few days time. Even with my sleepy state I couldn't help the smile that reached my lips and be over come with joy at the mere thought of it.

Jason's P.O.V

   Seeing Andy trough a screen wasn't enough for me. I want to be able to hold his small body close to mine, feel his soft, small lips on mine, have the touch of skin on skin as our bodies came together and made as one, hearing his honey dew voice drip through my ears, holding his delicate and soft hands in mine as we walk down the busy streets at night.

   I never felt whole without Andy there next to me. Having to go countless of months without seeing each other's faces in person, hugging, kissing. Some days I've regretted the decision of accepting a college two states away. Mrs. Carter had called me up a few nights ago telling me how much Andy has missed me. I knew he wouldn't admit it over of video calls or texts. He wanted me to focus on my school work and get good grades. I never argued with him about it but it never seemed to help my longing heart.

   That leads us to today. A short plane ride and a quick hour drive to Andy. The giddiness I felt just thinking of seeing Andy again caused an eruption of happiness to escape me. Wide grins, tapping fingers, bouncing legs, and a swirling stomach beyond compare.

   Wordless minutes and slow hours passed til the plane came to a stop. Having to wait another five to ten minutes for Avery one ahead to collect their belongings and file out the plane til I shuffled out with a backpack and headphones. Guiding myself by signs and wild guesses through the airport til I met the baggage claim. My patients was running thin as I waited and waited anticipating my luggage to roll in front of me.

   A sigh left me lips as my luggage had finally made it to me. Trudging my way through the crowd of people trying to get out and to their needed places just as fast as I was. With impatient and tired eyes, I searched the row of cars parked to pick up people. Laying my eyes on Mrs. Carters's SUV brought the upmost joy to me.

   "Ah, Jason how have you been?" Mrs. Carter asked.

   "Nervous," I said bluntly strapping in myself.

   "Don't be, Andy is going to love this surprise," she said resting her hand on my shoulder.

   "I know, it's just been so long since we last saw each other. I just can't stand the thought of him being alone all the time, and I'm not here to protect him." A distressed sigh left my lips. "I'm just happy that I'm going to see him again."

   "Andy will too. Anyways he has is older brother to look after him."

   "Yeah but Hayden isn't always around you know. Maybe I should just move back," I said running my eyes over the thick forestry.

   "Chose the best decision for the both of you. More importantly chose what's best for you. As much as I want Andy to be safe and happy, you come before anyone else. Andy nor I can take that right from you. Andy will be understanding either way," Mrs. Carter said.

   "You're right," I said, thinking over all my options. If I moved back to Andy then I would have to finish my studies later in life. But if I stay in college I can move back, get a better paying job, and take care of Andy the way I want to.

   A silence washed over the rest of the ride. The happy memories of Andy and I running through my, bringing that smile that melted Andy. A rapping of my fingers on the door had filled the silence.

   Pounding of my heartbeat rang in my ears as the wheels of the SUV rolled us up the driveway of Andy's house. The erratic feeling in my gut acting on its own, hastily pushing my way out the car, leaving my luggage behind. The chuckles of Mrs. Carter had merely missed my hears over the intense beating in my chest.

   Yanking open the screen door and knocking my fist against the door to eager for Mrs. Carter. My body felt like it was shaking anticipation for the door to open. Mumbling under my breath to hurry up at Mrs. Carter fumbled around with her keys. The door was swung open by Mrs. Carter revealing the boy that I've wanted to hold so close.

   "Jason?!" Andy cried in disbelief, fingers gripping the railing of the stairs for balance. I couldn't fight the smile, nor did I want to, that forced its way on my lips. Falling over was the least of worries right now. So when Andy ran with full force at me and engulfed me in a tight and needed hug, I didn't care how much my butt hurt.

   "What are you doing here? Oh not that I didn't want you here, but it's just, that your early?!"

   "I wanted to see you sooner, plus I had no classes planned." I chuckled holding Andy flat against my chest. "I've missed you baby."

   "I've missed you so much Jason," Andy cried into my shoulder, his death grip didn't falter. Brushing away the long strands of blonde hair from his face and pressing a gentle sweet kiss to his forehead.

   "Let's get up," I whispered whipping the tears that fell down his cheeks. Andy hadn't moved indicating he wanted me to hold him. A sweet laugh left Andy's lips as I stood up with a drawled out groan.

The entire day drew out with kisses, hugs, and cuddling. I couldn't have asked for a better reunion. Andy had refused to let go of me or let me out of his sights. Well except for when I went to the bathroom.

All in all holding Andy so close made my heart feel complete again. I knew I had figured out my decision. I'm not leaving Andy anymore, I don't care if that affects our future, as long as I'm with him nothing can stand in my way.

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