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-Trent's P.O.V-

  "Hun will you take Max for a walk?" My mom looked into my room with a stern look. I nod my head and stand up with a sigh. Pulling on sneakers and a hoodie I grab Max's leash and call him to the front door. He came bounding into me almost pushing me to the floor.

   Max is a three year old Great Dane. My mom brought him home last year after volunteering at the animal shelter with my younger sister. She felt bad for him and decided to bring him home. He's been my friend ever since.

   Hooking the clasp onto his collar I open the door and he immediately bolts out dragging me with. He drug me straight for the dog park. Letting him free from the leash he ran around playing with other dogs and pissing off owners. I chuckled lightly taking out my phone.

Scrolling through my Instagram feed, I like this cute picture of Gwen Hook. She's the prettiest girl in school and has a heart of gold. My mother adores her and has told me on multiple occasions how much 'wife material' she has. I couldn't disagree more, she's the type of girl that keeps you grounded and points out the mistakes you made. I'd move for her to be my girlfriend but as of now we're only friends.

Glancing up from my phone I search for Max. "Oh my gosh!" I gasp seeing Max on top of someone. Running over I continuously call Max's name but he only looks at me and then back at the person he's on. "Max! Get off of them!" I grab his collar and pull him off of the person. "Max! You don't jump on people like that!"

Standing up with a firm hold on Max's collar I look at the giggling person. I was shocked to see Owen, a boy that regularly wears makeup and dresses in a revealing way that is the least bit of comfortable for me. But surprisingly enough he was in a hoodie and jeans. "Look I'm sorry, he doesn't usually do this."

"Don't worry about it. I was enjoying it," my mind couldn't help but go into the gutter and I look at him with a raised brow. "No! Not like that you perv! My parents won't let me have a dog so things like this really make my day. Especially if the dog is as cute as Max here." He smiled down at Max and scratched his head.

"Oh, okay," I watch as he smiles happily at Max and continues to pet him. Max's butt was wiggling out of control and his tongue wouldn't stay in his mouth. I chuckle lightly gaining the attention of Owen. "Why won't your parents let you have a dog?" His mood dropped as well as his smile.

"Well, my parents want me to focus on school. Or as my Dad says 'school is more important than a worthless four legged animal'." He chuckles bitterly. His eyes trailed down to his watch and his eyes widened. "I-I've got to go but I'll see you around?" I nod my head on instinct and he runs off without a second glance.

"That was odd Max," I said looking down to Max. "Let's go home, yeah?" Hooking his leash onto his collar I start walking but he didn't move sitting in the same spot. "Max, Max, Max! Max he's not coming back and we have to get home before it gets dark," Max whined but followed after me. I shake my head and carry on.


"Everyone listen up," our teacher said gaining the attention of all the students. "For this quarters assignment I've decided groups would work best. SO, that said I'm going to pick the groups." A few whined were heard but other than that everyone went silent to hear their partners.

When I heard my name paired with Owen's I was disappointed. Gwen was in this class and she was paired with some guy. Why couldn't I be that guy! And Chad of all of them! Huffing under my breath I grab my things and head out like the rest of my class.

"Trent! Hey wait up," I turn around to find Owen shuffling through the crowd to get to me. I raised an eyebrow at him when he was panting in front of me. "Could I get your number? This assignment means a lot to me and I want to get started as soon as possible," taking a second I nod my head and tell him my number whilst he wrote it on his hand. "Thanks!" He yelled before running off again.

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