Sex Partners 2

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Taehyung's P.O.V

The sweet sweet burn of that good ole whiskey took me back to my teens years. The purple, blue, red, and green strobe lights made my vision blur more than it already was. The pounding headache I felt hadn't left yet. My body felt like I was standing inches away from the sun. The sweaty, slutty, and horny bodies of the crowd seemed to sway at the same beat.

My eyes were blood shot, they have been for weeks from lack of sleep. The bags under my eyes added to my dreary and sleepy appearance. My clothes were never tidy, always ruffled, unfinished, and sloppy. Why? All because of one boy that hadn't failed to run around in my mind. My feelings have been a jumbled mess. Anger, depression, jealousy, sexually frustration. Everything, all because of a gorgeous boy that screamed my name and pleased me in the way no one else has done for me.

The feelings he gave me were so outlandish to me. I haven't felt like this towards anyone since the passing of my father. Denying these feels seems selfish and childish, so why waste my time. How could I fall in love with that boy? He has a beautiful face but the attitude he always gave me wasn't what I was looking for. He always gave me this soft but closed off attitude which honestly was a turn off.

My attention was taken away from my drink and to the loud yelling. The room shifted around in my vision as I focused on the disruption. Jungkook stood, forearm gripped in another man's hand, tears clearly rolling down his face. Shoving myself off of my seat and stumbling towards the pair as insults and cries felt the two men's mouths. Drunkenly I snatched Jungkook's arm in my hand pulling his away from the man and protectively blocking him from the man and the men surrounding him.

"What's with the fuss?" I spoke up tilting my chin up at the man in front of me. The glare he sent never faltered. "Jungkook what business do you have with this man?" The reluctance in Jungkook was obvious to us all. But if he wanted out of this I needed to know.

"My ex," his voice was soft and broken. My gaze on the man in front of me faltered and I looked down on Jungkook with understanding eyes.

"What kind of man bothers his ex? It's clear to me that the tow of you are done and have no need to speak to each other. So why are you bothering what's mine?" I questioned. The shock and fast beating heart of Jungkook didn't fail to be noticed by me.

"Now, why don't you and your baboons run along and leave Jungkook here, alone," I scowled pushing Jungkook towards the exit. Getting no protest from Jungkook made this even easier. "Get in my car," I said opening the passenger door.

"Listen Taehyung, I don't want to have sex tonight, I'm not feeling well," Jungkook said waving his hands in front of his body.

I chuckle pushing Jungkook into the passenger seat. Shaking my head at Jungkook's thoughts, he thought I was going to have sex with him, ha. Then came the wave of guilt and sadness. My car has become such a memory to Jungkook.

"If you're not feeling well then why did you come to a bar?" I asked cockily. Jungkook kept his head hung and fidgeted with his fingers. "Besides, I don't want sex." Jungkook had lifted his eyes to mine and the shock and disbelief was evident and made my heart sink, "that's not what I want."

"What is it that you want?" Jungkook's voice was bold and daring but the look in his eyes told a different story. He seemed terrified, waiting for his death.

"I want you. Not just your body but I want your love. These past weeks all I can think about is you. Then I think about what it would be like to be in a romantic relationship that doesn't just involve sex. I want to hold you at night, wake up and make breakfast, shower you with kisses and hugs. I've had dreams of children, our children. I know it may seem like a lot but that's what I want. I want you to be by my side every step of the way."

Silence over came us. Jungkook hadn't moved a single muscle. I felt humiliated, I came on too strong. Starting the ignition I sighed.

"Taehyung, where is this coming from? You never seemed to get attached to me, so why? This all seems like some set up," Jungkook said.

"No! This isn't a set up. Jungkook, it's just," I sighed trying to come up with the words I so desperately wanted to say. "Being without you, it made me feel emotions I haven't felt in so long. I actually felt love, it felt so wonderful and each thought I had of you sent butterflies throughout my body. Please Jungkook just give me another chance," I pleaded.

The soft smile that tugged at Jungkook's lips gave me a sliver of hope. I awaited his answer. But minutes passed and Jungkook hadn't given me an answer. His face would fall before his spoke up.

"I'm sorry Taehyung. I've given up on love. Nothing comes out of it, not anything positive. I want to be with you but I'm scared. The fears I have hold me back and I don't want them to hold you back too."

"Jungkook, there is noting that you or I can't overcome. I can help you, give you want you deserve. It may take time but I'm willing to do it, just for you."

"I don't know Taehyung, besides you need someone who is easier to love. Me? I'm just some kid that you took a liking to, you need a woman that is strong and beautiful." Jungkook's word vomit made me slightly angry.

"Stop! Why are you beating yourself up over this? You think I haven't seen the pain in your eyes every time you left after sex? I'm not oblivious Jungkook. And you may not be easy to love but neither am I. We both may be messed up but why should we let that get in the way of loving each other."

"Oh Taehyung! Why do you do this to me?" Jungkook whined shifting in his seat. "But I still don't understand why you slept with other people. If you really did have these feelings for me, then why?"

"It's true I did sleep with other people while I was having sex with you. But some people just need that little push to realize something that has been in front of them the whole time." Then my mind had drifted off to the words I said before. "Ok I may be oblivious but not totally," I said making Jungkook laugh. "So what do you say? Wanna give us a try? For real now."

"Don't see how it would hurt," Jungkook said pulling me in for a kiss. I smiled into it. We're going to do this right. "Will you take me home now?" Jungkook asked pulling away from me. I chuckled.

"Nope, you're coming home with me, I want to hold you tonight," I said pulling into the road and driving to my apartment. Jungkook chuckled and held my hand the entire car ride. When we got home we were kissing each other and messing around until we feel asleep next to each other.

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