Panties Boy

782 11 4

Kim Taehyung
Apt.# 572

Jeon Jungkook
Apt.# 571

-Jungkook's P.O.V-

   My favorite place is my balcony. Why you may ask, well it's not because of the view. Or the sound of a breeze and the rolling of vehicles on the morning streets. No it's not the fog that set in over night giving the city an eerie feel. Definitely not the view of city lights, with a vibrant orange sun splaying reds, pinks, and oranges through out the sky. It's much better than any old view.

   I sight of my neighbor drinking his morning coffee in noting but a oversized sweater and panties. What a sight. When I first moved in and saw him I thought, oh he must have a boyfriend, you know with the over size clothes and that cute butt of his. But he never brought anyone out onto the balcony. Nor do I notice anyone leaving his apartment.

   From the time I moved in to now, I think I could tell you each pair of panties he owns, the new ones, the old ones and ones that he threw away. Let's see, there's got pink, pastel pink, petal pink, misty rose, a mint, emerald, pastel blue, navy blue, royal blue, lavender, a few deep purples. They all looked stunning on him, but my favorite was the boring maroon.

   Something about it just makes him look like the sexiest being ever. Some days I think he knows that I'm watching and purposely wears the maroon panties. There have been many times were I just don't think I can handle it and end up halfway to his apartment before thinking against it and going back to mine.

   Guess where I am now? No not on the balcony, yet. I had to grab myself a glass on white wine before soaking in the sexiness of my panty wearing neighbor. There are only three times in the day that I enjoy most, getting up to watch my neighbor sway around in his panties, watch my neighbor butt after work with a smoke and a glass of alcohol, and laying in bed thinking about my panty wearing neighbor. Yeah we all know how my night ends, wink.

   Taking a seat in my dirtied red plastic chair I took a long drag of my cigarette. What a stressful day. Looks like I was just in time. My neighbor walked out in a more stiff manner than his usual sway of the hips. Oh, and did I find out why. A male with a tall height, toned body and stubble on his chin, cane walking out staring at my neighbors butt. This didn't sit well with me.

   The anger within me bursted in flames when the guy tried to wrap his arms around my neighbor. He obviously wasn't a fan of this, or that was just my jealousy talking. Swirling my wine in my glass I drank the last of it and shot my cigarette into the coffee container. Walking into my apartment I slid the wine glass into the counter and made my way out of my apartment.

   Taking the few strides to my neighbors apartment I banged on the door. The door opened and my neighbor answered with a confused look. My eyes raked up and down his body he looked even sexier up close, what I can't help myself. "Um, hello?" He asked and dang did that voice send pleasure through my body.

   "I couldn't help but tell that that man with you was bothering you," I said smirking. He gave me a stunned look. "I'm your neighbor baby, I've seen everything," I said winking. His blush just urged me to take him right in the hallway.

   "I can't believe I'm doing this," he whispered pressing his fingers into his forehead. "Listen, can I like hide in your apartment? I met that guy at a bar one time and he won't leave me alone, please help me," He pleaded. I smirked stuffing a hand into my pocket.

   "You have to give me something in return. And I promise it won't be sexual," I said then pursed my lips. "Okay it may be sexual," he gave me a glare and I sighed. "Fine, you don't have to have sex with me. Is that better?" I asked raising my shoulders.

   "Alright fine," He said closing the door slowly behind him. Taking pride in myself I grabbed his hand and lead him to my apartment. When we got in I locked the doors. My neighbor was looking around. "I never caught your name, I'm Taehyung."

   "Right, I'm Jungkook but for someone like you, you can call me daddy," I said smirking. He gave me an unamused look. "Ignore that," I said shaking my head and heading into my apartment. "So how long do you think you're going to stay here?" I asked taking a seat on the couch. He sat down next to me facing me with his whole body.

   "I don't know. He's kind of psychotic. So maybe a day, I don't know," he said shrugging his shoulder. I was have a party in my head right now. "So what all do you know about me, mr. stalker?" He asked.

   "You want to know?" I asked raising a brow. "Well, I know that you like to wear panties. You have a clear obsession of over sized sweaters, and I believe you're currently single," I said with a smirk.

   "Oh, I thought you would know more. But you're still creepy," he said. We just stared. Nothing more noting less. I couldn't help myself when I leaned in and pressed my lips to his. My shock as to how soft and delicate his lips was clearly obvious. I hummed loving the taste of his lips.

   "Mhh, you taste delicious baby," I muttered pressing my lips harder into his. Some how, some way Taehyung ended up on my lap with his arms around me. A panting mess as he slowly grinder onto me. I wasn't much better, attacking his lips, roaming my hands under his sweater and panties. Was he complaining? No, so why stop?

Taehyung pulled away hanging his head. "We shouldn't be doing this," he whispered rolling off of me and trying to cover as much as he could of his legs. "I understand that you're a horny man Jungkook but, we just met and I have this thing where I don't sleep with a guy unless I've known them for three weeks."

"Taehyung, don't worry. As much as I would love to see what's under this sweater and panties, I'm no dirtbag. I may be a perv but I ain't going to force you into anything," I said standing up. A barely audible sigh came from Taehyung as I disappeared into my room. Grabbing a pair of long underwear - which most likely was the only thing that would fit him.

"What are these?" He asked when I chucked them into his lap and headed for the kitchen to get us some water or something. Hey, I have good hospitality, it just takes some time to surface.

"Their pants, I don't want you to feel uncomfortable," I said pulling out two cans of coke. Falling onto the couch I waited for Taehyung to get back from the bathroom. Cracking open my coke I sipped on it till Taehyung came walking out with a glare. "What?" I asked raising an eyebrow.

"These are underwear," I gave him a confused look. "You wore these, you know, with nothing under them," he said shyly. It took me a second - not because I'm dumb - to figure out what he was saying.

"Oh Taehyung, you're too cute. Anyways, soon enough you'll be seeing what was under those," I said with a smirk. He growled smacking my arm. "I'm sorry, I can't help it!" I yelled trying to shield myself from his attacks.

"You pervert!" He yelled tackling me into the couch. Punches to him but little tickles to me, aimed at my chest and stomach. I was a laughing mess, I'll admit that. "I can't believe I trusted you!" He yelled folding his arms in a pout.

I smile fondly up at him. Yes he was straddling me, yes my thoughts were dirty, but he looks so cute and adorable on top of me and with that soft pout of his lips. Grabbing the back of Taehyung neck I pulled him down and sucked his bottom lip between mine.

The kiss wasn't anything urgent or needy, just a simply lusty kiss. It was slow and that's what made it ten times sexier. But knowing me I would start groping and feeling, so I decided to stop it there. Taehyung was quietly whining. Chuckling I packed his lips watching as he tried to push our lips together.

"Ah Ah, I don't think you want to do that baby," I said and that seemed to pull him out of his trance. He looked at me with wide eyes and started hitting me again go on about not kissing him and that he's going to throw me off the balcony.

   That night Taehyung stayed over, demanding I give him my bed and I sleep on the couch. Being the nonexistent gentleman I am, I took me sleeping to the couch. As soon as my head hit that lumpy pillow I was out like a light. My dreams were filled with rainbows and smiles. When I woke up at two in the morning, I wasn't expecting to find Taehyung curled into my side hanging on for dear life as half his body hung off the edge of the couch. Wrapping my arms around him, I rolled him on top of me and drifted back to sleep.

I finally got to meet my panty wearing neighbor.

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