Paint Me

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-Taehyung's P.O.V-

   I sighed looking through my opened window right  into my neighbor's room. He had left the window cracked open from this morning. Don't ask why I know. My heart was clenching watching as he kissed the girl heatedly. Oh how I wish to be in her position.

   I'm pathetic, this has already been established. Crushing on my neighbor that didn't even spare a glance at me. Locked up inside my room I didn't have much to do, so I picked up drawing and painting. The things I drew were shameful. Thousands of drawings and paintings around my room of my neighbor shirtless, naked, making love to me.

   The grunts and moans coming from my neighbor's house wrapped around my heart and pulled tight. Tears fell down my cheeks. Standing from my sketch book I wandered to my bed falling into the mattress and balling my eyes out. My life was a mess at the moment, failing at my job, running into a group of bad people that wouldn't leave me alone, and a one sided love for my neighbor.

   I just wish I would slow down time, and breath for the first time in years. Suffocating on my own no one to comfort me, no one to tell me everything will get better, no one to tell me to keep fighting. I had no one, no one besides that lame excuse for a guardian names HaeChul and a pen and paper.

There were no friends to keep me company at school, or to call when I'm bored and have nothing to do. There was no father to take me fishing, or build a car with. There was no mother to teach me to cook or be a gentleman. There were no grandparents that spoiled me and loved me endlessly.

Only a guardian who drink beer after work and couldn't care less about my well being. Only a neighbor that I admired from afar as he shared his love with anyone but me. Only drawing with deep meanings but never showed me any meaning. Only the moon hanging in the dark sky as starts twinkling around begging me to join.

The sobbing had stopped, along with the round of insults and negativity I threw at myself. The moaning and grunting had silenced. The moon shining heavily into my room. The revving of cars on the night roads. The curious knock on the front door. The pattern of thumping feet against the hard wood flooring.

Then came a banging against my door. With no invitation the door swung open and in came HaeChul, as tipsy as always. "Idiot, your friend's here," he said slapping the frame of the door. I furrowed my eyebrows, there was no friend of mine. No one I had been aquatinted with.

Taking the cautious steps to the front door I peaked my head outside to see the neighbor I've been crushing on. My heart beat accelerated, my palms turned sweaty, my eyes widened in curiousity, my mind a jumbled mess. What was he doin at my house? And presenting himself as my friend to HaeChul?

"C-Can I help you?" I questioned stepping out into the chilly air. Checking the entryway for HaeChul before closing the door behind me. When I had turned around my neighbor was leaned against the beam that held up the roofing over the porch. His hands stuck in his back pockets and an undeniably handsome smirk.

   "Uh, Yeah," He said standing up tall. Taking the few steps that separated us, he pulled out a folded up piece of paper. A paper that I found very familiar. "I found this in my backyard the other day while I was mowing. Your window was open so I kinda assumed it was you," he took in a breath looking at the Now unfolded paper. I wasn't able to see what was onto the other side due to the angle he was holding it. "But then I knew it had to be you because who would have drawn something like this?"

   I gulped in horror, widen eyes, and sweaty palms. The piece of paper was a drawing, I knew oh too well.  It wasn't my most explicit drawing but it was almost as equally shameful. A blush covered my cheeks as I remembered the night I drew this certain picture.

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