Bestie's Brother 3

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I hope I didn't disappoint!

-Third Person P.O.V-

Grant and Terrance didn't make it as a couple. They had tried their hardest but Grant had much bigger priorities, his baby girl Kay. After their fifth date Terrance and Grant decided on be just friends, for the time being. Terrance helped out with Kay but wasn't fit to take on the role of a father.

Layla was a happy auntie and took Kay into her hands when Grant wanted some time alone. She was happy for her friend, glad that he had made a new friend and that he's able to raise his baby by himself. When Kay was born Layla had bombarded her brother with questions and demands, but he had left home once again to only visit on holidays and once a month.

Kay was born smoothly and no injuries. However she did have to stay in the hospital from ammonia. Other than that she was a healthy baby girl. She was a giggle baby that hated getting her diaper changed and never wanted to sleep. Although it cause many sleep deprived days for Grant he still loves his baby girl.

Hudson didn't have much to do with his daughter. He didn't care for the baby and didn't want it. He's already had two other children. What makes you think another would change his mind. The only updates on his baby girl were the ones that Layla had sent every month letting him know how Kay and Grant were doing. He didn't admit to caring but when he heard how fast Grant had moved on from him, he was jealous.

That brings us up to date. Kay was barely touching her 1 year. Grant had become pregnant again, by Terrance. One night alone was all it took and now Grant's carrying another baby at one month along. Terrance was happy to be a father, still terrified, but he wish that Grant and him were together rather than just being friends.

So they decided to move in together. Terrance kept himself exclusively for Grant. Grant on the other hand never made it his mission to tell everyone that Terrance was his. Despite not being a couple they still cuddled, hugged, slept, and sometimes kissed. Grant enjoyed the feeling of being loved while Terrance loved being around Grant and being able to hold him.


-Terrance's P.O.V-

Grant danced around the living room, shaking his little body and twirling this way and that. I had put Kay to sleep half an hour ago and came back to this. He started singing, making his own fun. Pushing off the doorframe I came into Grant's view and held him to me. "Having fun?" I asked grinning at the blush that crossed his cheeks.

"Yeah until you ruined it," he said pushing me away to continue his dancing. Grasping his hips I pulled him back to me and started slow dancing with him. He was a giggling mess when I lifted him into the air, but he really started laughing when I stood us on the coffee table and jumped from couch to couch to the table.

After a good five minutes of dancing and having fun we collapsed onto the couch. Grant fell into my arms and breathed his hot breath into my face. "Nasty," I gagged pushing his face away from mine. He chuckled sitting up correctly. Throwing my legs over him I closed my eyes to sleep.

"Yay! Be careful!" Grant yelled slapping my legs. I whined looking at Grant with a glare. "You almost kicked my stomach," he said shielding his tummy protectively. Spinning my body around I laid my head on his lap and lifted his shirt. Kissing the flat tummy of his, imagining my little baby walking around.

"I can't wait," I said smiling up at Grant he nodded his head rubbing his tummy. I didn't know how to feel, getting my friend pregnant moving in together not being a couple. This all felt so weird but it felt nice at the same time. Grant didn't want to settle down just yet, and by yet I'd say he meant not for a very long time.

   Why couldn't he see that I love him, I'll take care of him and the babies. I won't leave him saying this was all for nothing. How could I do that to him? He perfect and everything I could ever dream of. He's got a sweet personality that I need to keep protected but this venomous sass and attitude that just riles me up. He's got me feeling all sorts of things and I don't want it to stop.

   "Let's get married," I hadn't even thought about what I said. There was no thinking involved just says. I had no idea why I would say such a thing but my heart raced and my anticipation for his answer grew. At first I knew he was startled, anyone would be. But then he started laughing. "What?"

   "Terrance I've told you, I don't want to settle down with someone just yet," he held this sorrow in his eyes that I just wanted to dive in and throw away any bad emotions he felt. "Yes we're having a baby together but we aren't even dating."

   "Come on Grant," I sat up taking his hands in mine. "I know your scared of what this could be, I know that Hudson messed you up pretty bad but I'm not him. Do you think I would just leave you? If that was my intentions then I would have left already, but Grant I love you and I want us to be together."

   "You don't get it Terrance. I don't want to be in a relationship not with you, not with Hudson, not with anyone on this planet okay?!" He raised his voice standing to his feet. I knew he didn't mean it but that hurt. "Love and romance just aren't for me. I know that now, and maybe you should realize that I don't love you that I don't want to be in a relationship with you."

   His words stung and drove deep. What's the use? Falling in love with someone who doesn't love me? I thought that maybe because of this child that he would want to be with me, that maybe this would help him to love me. It didn't work and now my heart has been broken.

   I hadn't realized it myself but I ended up outside. People passed by me and I wondered how many of them are hurting from love. Are any of them in my same situation? Has anyone found love yet? Pushing my way through the crowd I didn't know where to go. My home was with Grant, I didn't know many people around this town so I could crash at anyone's place.

   Layla was an option but she's more of Grant's friend than mine. Plus I knew if I went to her house she would call Grant in seconds. She'd spew question over question, making assumptions and lecturing Grant. As much as I wanted Grant to figure of how much he's hurting me I just can't put him through his only friend telling him what he did wrong.

   Kicking the pebbles alongside the side walk, I wandered about. The night slowly took over casting its darkness. Stores closed and people slowly diminished. As the night carried on I decided to head home. Grant should be asleep by now. When I had made it to the house the lights were off. Peeking into the bedroom Grant was fast asleep, Kay was sleeping peacefully in her crib. Shutting the door lightly I grabbed the extra blankets from the linen closet. Getting comfortable on the couch I set an alarm early in the morning.


I was startled awake from my alarm, a bit too loud than intended. Cursing under my breath I shuffled to the bathroom and quickly freshened up. The sun still hasn't came out yet, not even the birds were awake. It felt so lonely. Taking my coffee to the dining table I stared the window.

"Terrance?" I happened expected for Grant to wake up. It was 4:00 after all. He was so sleepy that he almost knocked over the end table. Chuckling deeply I grabbed his hand in mine and guided him over. His body was hidden under an old shirt of mine and sweatpants. "I thought you left."

"There isn't really anywhere I could go," I said pushing out the seat across from me. Grant fell into the seat, his head falling onto the table. "Why don't you go to sleep, it's really early," I spoke quietly, Grant huffed snuggling into the hard wood. I shook my head finishing the last of my coffee. Taking Grant into my arms I lead him to the bedroom. "Get some rest."

Grant buried himself in the blankets. "Will you stay?" His whisper barely met my ears but I heard and I couldn't just ignore him. Taking off the jeans I had worn I climbed into the bed and wrapped Grant in my arms. "I'm sorry Terrbear, I didn't mean to get so angry at you. Taking about Hudson is very hard for me and when you say that you love me I just get this weird feeling and I can't control it which scares me." Grant started crying.

"It okay baby, I know you didn't mean any harm." I rubbed his back to comfort the boy. He hiccuped into my chest and pressed his body tightly to mine. "I'll always be here okay? You don't need to get so worked up over this." Grant started to calm down, he hadn't said anything and I knew he was asleep. "Goodnight, my love."

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