facetime - z.k

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you and zion had been together for quiet sometime now, before prettymuch. y'all knew each other more than anyone.

when he had to pack up and move to LA to be with the boys, you stayed in Canada due to college. but little did you know, life just wouldn't be the same without him.

"hey! you'll be okay here y/n! when i get there i'll call you. i'll come back and see you whenever i can! this isn't the end" zion smiled hugging you tightly
you couldn't help but sigh "i love you z, you know i do but that won't be that easy" you say as you and zion are connected by a tight hug
zion smiled softly " hey. i promise"

you sighed " z. im in college. you're gonna be in LA doing music, we're not gonna have a lot of time."

before you knew it zion was gone and you were heading back to class.

zion lands in LA and calls you instantly "i landed and i'm okay"
you nod "okay. i have to go"

once zion was settled in at the house, brandon was holding his phone and takes a photo of him sitting on the window ledge "he loves you!!!"

i open the text and reply " aw, you're cutest!"
brandon smirks "zion got a girlfrienddddd"
edwin smirks "oooo lets see!"
nick smiled "ziooooon"
austin smiled "hey leave him alone and let's get to rehearsal!"

zion smiled "thank you"
zion texts you "baby i have to go. i have rehearsal! i love you!"

you sighed wanting to be able to see zion

brandon then steals zion's phone when they're having a break and facetimes me, zion not knowing, brandon holds the phone and smiled "hey z! say hi to y/n!!"

zion smiled doing a piece sign (in the photo) "hi baby"
you smiled "hey you!"

y'all spoke on facetime for the rest of the day, until eventually y'all fell asleep on facetime together

the day went a lot better than you thought. all in all, not a bad day

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