those nights felt like magic - b.a

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as silly as it sounded, brandon was and is your escape. he always has been. it's just the connection that y'all share is just something so hard to even explain.

last summer y'all met. it was an unconditional love. you had no idea why or how you were both so drawn to each other but, you were.

y'all ran into each other at the beach. you being the football nerd you are. you caught the football that brandon threw. he was amazed that you caught it. ever since then y'all have been going to local games, talking about everything from football to music to photography to dancing.

your friends would constantly give you shit cause y'all don't live near each other. you spent the summer in LA, then moved back to texas so you can continue going to college. so you're not around brandon anymore. but y'all still text and facetime whenever you can.

amanda looks at you and smirks "y/n! you should go to LA!"
you look at amanda "we only have two weeks break. you know what i'm like.. i'm gonna wanna stay there"
amanda smiled "well you have been saying your having a lot of trouble this semester so why don't you drop out before the next one?"
you look at amanda "and do what?"

amanda smiled "you're seriously about him right?"
you nod "180%."
amanda smiled "and you've said you've always wanted to be close to LA incase management things come up for music?"
you nod "well yeah but-"
amanda cut you off "then go for it! what's holding you back?" she smiled
you sigh "y'all.."
amanda smiled "char and i will be here. college isn't leaving us!"
you smiled "y'all really want me to go?"

charlotte smiled nodding "as odd as it will be with out you, yes i do"

you smiled "then it looks like i'm off to LA!"

you spent the night celebrating and packing for the early flight in the morning. amanda and charlotte took you to the airport. you found it so hard to leave them but you were so excited at the same time.

you decide to call one of the boys and let them know you're in LA. you pick nick.

"nick!" you smiled
nick smiled "yo y/n! everything okay?"
you smiled " beyond okay! hey are you free to pick me up from the airport? i wanna surprise b!"
nick smiled "yes of course! when are you here?"
you smiled "ah right about now"
nick smiled "okay i'm on my way!"

nick smiled as he grabbed the car keys "hey imma go buy some shoes and get some lunch! i'll be back later!"
he took off out the door real quick.

brandon looked at zion "what on earth is he up to?"
zion shrugs "it's nick. it could be anything"
brandon nods and giggles "you really ain't wrong"

nick pulls up to the airport and picks you up. hearing back to their places you're the nervous you've ever been.

you look at nick "i'm so nervous. i've never surprised anyone before and idek how he will react"
nick smiled "are you serious?! he'll love it"
i smiled "i hope so!"

nick then pulls up to the house.
you rush to brandon "hey b! here i am!"
brandon smiled "what. when. when. did this happen.."
you smiled "right now!"

you then stayed with the boys. and spent the day together. which was one of the best days you've had in a long ass time.

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