for that ill give you $150! - z.k

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you and zion met at a zoo. through your love with animals, you both bumped into each other. you were volunteering at the zoo. you were so well known and loved that they were thinking of hiring you full time.

you were talking to a class of middle school kids about the monkeys in the zoo. monkeys were your number one favourite animals from day one.

zion approaches you one day. zion being zion, asking if he can hold one. you smiled and just kinda laughed it off. he stuck around whilst you taught the kids and then once they were gone, you gave him a tour of the zoo on your break. you both clicked so instantly. he ended up getting your number.

"hey it's z! are you free to hang out today?" zion smiled as he texted you for the third time this week.
as annoying as it was sometimes, you found it adorable. it showed you that someone actually cares when you're used to having the polar opposite.

you smiled "yeah! just say the word and i'll be there"
zion smiled "now @ the cafe on hollywood n vine"
you smiled "okay! i'll be there soon"

the fact that he was so certain to hang out really made you smile

you get to him, after talking for awhile and holding hands.. you feel him tense up.
you look at him "hey.. is everything okay?"
zion nods "yup. we good"
you look at zion "look. i know i haven't known you long but i know you enough to know that's bullshit"
zion sighed "fine. it's my ex just causing shit. it's nothing. okay? can we leave it?."

compared to the zion you saw at the zoo, this is a total different person. you knew it was a bit more than he said. and you didn't like seeing him like you.

you smirk "i have an idea. it's crazy but it might just work"
zion smirked back "okay. i'm listening"
you smiled "your fandom thinks y'all are together right?"
zion nods "well kinda. they're all tossing between it. but we're not"
you nod "i know, you know but let's show them you're not"
zion looks at you confused "how so?"
you smiled "this" you then kissed zion's cheek

zion smiled "you kissing my cheek? that's your plan?"

you nod "yeah. but if we kiss and a "fan" aka one of your boys takes the photo and a fan account "leaks" it. then"
zion smiled "then they'll think we're together! you're a genius!"
you smiled "thank you thank you. i charge $50 an hour tho"
zion smiled "for that i'll give you 150"

you both giggle as austin took the photo and it "leaked" everyone on social media started to finally leave it be. you could see the weight taken off of zion's shoulders.

zion smiled kissing you for real "i owe you one. thank you"
you smiled "it's okay. honestly"

he then insisted that y'all spend the rest of the day together, walking around downtown LA. it was one, if not the best day you've had in a really long time.

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