you know that pouty look dont work for me! - b.a

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you and brandon have been together for awhile. you're both quiet hard on each other. but it's a good thing. like you do get protective of each other yet you know when to step back. which. you couldn't ask for more honestly.

some drama had recently went down between you & your ex. you ignored it. but b? well. it really got him down.

brandon smiled "lunch for two at the restaurant up to road in 10!"
you smiled "b. i told you i'm okay!"
brandon nods "i just wanna be sure"
you smiled "okay. let's get ready to go then"
brandon smiled as he got changed. and by changed i mean just put a denim jacket on.

you didn't exactly know what to wear so you just stole one of edwin's jackets. it's good living with the boys, you can always steal their clothes. it's a blessing really.. even though living with 5 of them ain't always easy, you wouldn't have it any other way.

brandon came down and y'all headed out to the restaurant.

brandon opens the door for you and the waitress heads y'all right over to your table. brandon was slowly behind. you heard a slight sigh, but not sure if it was b. you didn't say anything.

you & brandon sit down at your table. after watching b play around with his food for a good 2 minutes you became worried. normally he scoffs it down but you knew something was different.

you look at brandon "you sure you're okay?!"
brandon smiled "babe. i wasn't the one that got verbally attacked"
you smiled "no. you weren't. thank god. but. i lived with that for awhile b. i'm used to it.. you tho." you look at him concerned
"okay fine" he does the face in the photo for a good two minutes. it was as adorable as ever so you couldn't help but take a photo of it;

you nod "i thought so! but you know that pout don't work on me!" brandon nods "true

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you nod "i thought so! but you know that pout don't work on me!"
brandon nods "true. cause you can see right through me"
you nod "and you can with me"
brandon smiled "maybe that's why we work together so well"
you smiled "maybe just maybe"
brandon smiled "kiss?" he pouts again
you shake your head "didn't work last time and ain't gon work again" you poke his nose causing him to try grab it with his hand
"too slow" you smirked

brandon giggled. after brandon finally opening out about it, it felt like a weight was lifted off the both of y'all's shoulders. although it happened to you, you could just tell how shaken up he was by it. and knowing that y'all can sit down and have a heart to heart like that, really made you feel 150% secure.

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