you are something.. something special - e.h

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"we went through so much together y/n. because you are. you're something special." edwin looks at you
you sighed "edwin..."
edwin sighed "we can't just leave it at this. you know we can't. think of what we're letting go"
you sighed "i know i know but i just need a break from all the.. all the attention."
edwin nodded and walked away.

two weeks passed. no contact, no nothin. and edwin seemed to kinda just disappear off social media. it was odd. so. you do what you think is the best way to get to edwin and that's contacting the only one in PM who always has his head screwed on,,,, brandon.

you ring brandon. he picks up almost asap
brandon smiled "hey!"
you smiled slightly"hey b. i kinda have a favour to ask"
brandon nods "yeah anything! what's up?"
you sighed "can you keep an eye on edwin? i told him a few weeks back that i wanted space. like just to get away from the attention that comes with being his girlfriend, due to all the fans and that. and i haven't heard from him since"
brandon nods "hm. that's weird. he wasn't here at the house party on friday. somethin is up. you wanna come help me find him? it might be best to talk to him face to face anyways"
you nod and head over to the house.

after 3 hours of looking for edwin, you find him in your secret spot. there's these bushes at the PM house and they go into a little open area if you walk through them. and that's where edwin was.

you sighed and sat beside him "i'm sorry i didn't mean for this"
edwin sighed "i don't know y/n."
you sighed "i still love you. i just needed a little break from the spot light. you know that's not my thing"
edwin nods "yeah i do."
you sighed "so now what?"
edwin smiled "as i said two weeks ago. you're somethin special. i can't just let go of that"
you nod "so we're okay?"
edwin kisses your forehead "were good as gold"

you smiled and just sat at the spot for awhile enjoying each other's company. it was just what y'all needed

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