i can't. i'm sorry. i just can't - e.h

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edwin looks at you "babe please! we always manage to be okay after these fights.. why not this time?"
you sighed "i can't. i just can't."

— 4 hours before hand —

edwin sighed "y/n..."
you sighed "it's positive.." you show him the pregnancy test.

y'all are still quite young, the last thing you would expect is to be pregnant. especially when you and edwin are just having some fun.

edwin sighed "it's 100% positive. it literally says pregnant"
you sighed and looked straight at edwin "what do we do? we're not ready. hell i'm not ready."
edwin sighed "i don't want to fight with you about this! we only just found out. can't we be happy?"
you sighed "i mean. i'm happy. i'm just shocked and not sure if i'm ready."
edwin sighed "is this the hormones talking, wouldn't surprise me if it was"
you look at edwin "what's that supposed to mean?"
edwin mumbles "that you're already showing you don't give a shit about this kid and it ain't even here yet."

at this point you just had had about enough. y'all would fight literally day and night. people would keep telling you that fighting is okay. but not when it's over every little thing; y'all would normally make up and it would be okay because you both knew it was over small things. but this time? it's definitely something.. something you know you're not gonna just "shake off"

edwin looks at you "babe please! we always manage to be okay after these fights.. why not this time?"
you sighed "i can't. i just can't."
edwin sighed "why not! we love each other!"
you sighed "yeah. but this is too much. we fight literally all the time. it's constant. and it was alright cause it was small things but this time you've taken it too far."
edwin looks at you "so you're gonna raise this kid all by yourself? sounds okay with me!"
brandon looks at edwin "bro... calm down."
edwin yells "nah i'm not! this wasn't meant to happen. i don't want a kid. not yet. maybe not ever. and i'm sure as hell not starting just when things are kicking off with my career! it's fucking useless. she can raise it herself and not have me be involved for all i care."
you sighed "yeah. for all i care.."

you threw a few things into your gym bag and started to walk out "sorry b. i can't save it. not this time. especially not this time."

brandon was the one who seemed to understand you like no other. it's like y'all were the same person. he was always there when.. well when ed wasn't.

brandon smiled "promise we can still talk? and for what it's worth... he'll come around eventually"
you nod "yeah we can. but i know he won't..."

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