you take my breath away daily - e.h

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it was yours and edwin's one year anniversary. sometimes dates are hard to organise for y'all, since you are both so picky.

you get dressed and ready waiting for edwin to pick you up. you tried to keep it simple but cute.
it's summer so being LA it's fucking hOT. so you wear a cute outfit but enough to keep you lookin cute.

edwin arrived to your apartment.
"holy. holy. y/n. holy" he was mesmerised by what you were wearing. almost to the point he was speechless
you smiled "ed. it's just a simple romper"
edwin nods "i know but wow"

you smiled "okay ed. let's go!"
edwin nods.

you both load into his car and get to the gallery. paying the $1 fee before going in. once y'all were in the gallery. one piece of art work really caught your attention. so much so that you kinda just zoned out.

edwin noticed you weren't paying much attention but still wanted to let you know how much you mean to him.

he stands directly behind you "i love you. y/n. so much. you make me so happy. you take my breath away daily. but in a good way. you make me laugh even when i feel like crap. you make me smile no matter what day you had. you are one, if not the best thing that's happened to me in such a long time. i love you. i love you. happy one year anniversary!"

you turn around "i love you even more"

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