where you going pretty little lady? - a.p

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you and austin have always been a tight couple. even before dating. everyone always thought y'all were. i guess that's because you both really do love each other & have been with each other through so damn much.

you and austin go to college together. well did. austin was only with you for a couple of semesters before he ended up moving to LA for PRETTYMUCH. but. when you were in college. he was always looking out for you.

you were hanging out with your best friend melody right by the fountain. when two guys came up to the two of you.
"aye you that blonde boys girlfriend?!" one said as he edge towards you
you nod
you slowly stood up and tried to move. knowing some shit was about to go down. but. he stops you.
"where you going pretty little lady?" he smirks
"your boyfriend not here to stop us hey?" he smirks also
you sighed "just. let me leave."
the guys both smirk "or what?"
you were about to say something when he pushed you right into the fountain. as your best friend helped you out, austin turned up.

he tapped the bullies on the shoulder "her boyfriend gonna do something about it now"
he punches both of them causing them both to fall the ground.
he takes your hand "let's leave these guys' to clean up their own mess"

he walked you back to your dorm and grabbed you a towel "how long?"
you sighed "ever since day one"
austin sighed hugging you straight away "they ain't gonna get you again. promise"
you sighed "i'm just sick of it. you know?"
austin nods "yeah babe. i do. but. one day. we'll both be livin it up in LA, and they'll be wishing they ain't ever messed with us"
you nod "i hope so"

2 months later. you're both living in LA. you both ended up dropping out. well. you got through your first year and austin left mid way through for the start of PM, but. once it was offical. you moved too.. best decision you've ever ever made.

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