snapchats - b.a

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you & brandon live pretty close to each other, about 30 minutes.

but due to how busy you've been with college at UCLA & how busy brandon has been due to prettymuch.

it hasn't been all bad.

you both talk via snapchat.

you send goofy videos and just pictures & then like text on the chat.

then. things change.

zion looks at brandon "have y'all facetimed yet?"
brandon shakes his head "well no"
zion smiled "maybe that's the problem. you only talk on snapchat. i think if you facetime when the response could be straight away & not have that time to wait"
brandon nods "well yeah maybe but what if she doesn't even want to?"
zion smiled "you'll never know until you try"

you live with your older brother ross. he's extremely protective. so, naturally, you didn't tell him about brandon. and you do really like him, but you know how your brother will react. ha been really over protective with you every since your parents passed away.

you get a text from brandon, reading "can we facetime after your class at 2?"
you reply "yeah!"

it was cheaper to live with your brother. so it was a no brainer to be honest.

you sighed to yourself.

you went to your class then as soon as you got back. you walked straight into your room and called brandon

"hey!" brandon smiled
the boys smiled "hey b is finally on facetime with y/n!!"
you heard what the boys said and laugh "shhh! hi!"
brandon smiled "how was class?!"
you smiled "just as good as business class can be"
brandon nods "fair point"

zion makes a dirty joke right as your brother walks in. it's just zion's thing with you & b. but. of coURSE ross walks in.

"what the fuck is going on" ross looks at you confused
you look at ross "ro-" he cuts you off
"-hell nah" he continues
you sighed

ross looks at you. "a word. in private. where 5 guys who i don't know aren't listening?!?"
you sighed and nodded "i'll meet you in the stairs in 10."

the stairs always seem to be the spot where you & ross talk about everything & anything.

you sighed "i gotta sort this shit out. i'll be back."

you thought you muted the microphone.. but you didn't.

you shut your door and sit on the stairs

ross sighed as soon as he looks at you "what the fuck is happening"
you sighed "they are my best friends. one of them is a little more than that though..."
ross sighed "y/n! what happened to just school?"
you nod "i know and i haven't met them in person yet either. i came across them through my class mates and then brandon and i got really close and. i like him, ross."
ross sighed "brandon... what's he like?"
you smiled "well. he's as sweet as the others but yet when you think he can't get sweeter, he does. he's so supportive. he's helped me through the hard times at school with bullying & then the mom & dad thing and he's been there a lot."
ross looks at you "then why haven't y'all met?"
you sighed "times just don't add up."

"you have a free afternoon tomorrow from 10. i'll take you to him. then, i can see for myself if they're good guys.. especially this brandon fellow" ross looks at you

you nod "okay okay i can live with that."

you get to the boys place. and before you knew it, ross was clicking with every single one of the boys. especially brandon. after the rough facetime start, it honestly couldn't have ended any better.

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