biggest fan - n.m

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you are a youtuber & nick is obviously in PRETTYMUCH. you & nick have grown closer over the time you've been on social media. y'all always support each other, through everything. until onetime when nick gets carried away. you're not sure how to react.

zion smirks and looks at nick "boooy. you ready?!"
nick looks at zion "how so?"
zion smiled "you're her biggest fan bro. you're always so supportive of everything. you don't think she's gonna be a little iffy about you showing up to her panel?"
nick smiled "idk. it's just an after interview thing"
zion smiled "not only that but you're her biggest fan!"
nick smiled "leave me alone okay"

nick then made his way to you "hey you! how was the interview?"
you smiled "it was alright! what are you doing here? i thought y'all were in san fran?"
nick smiled "yeah we were but we kinda. well i kinda dragged the boys back to la to see you"
you smiled "you didn't have to do that you know"
brandon butts in "he's lucky our next few shows are in LA"

nick smiled "okay okay. drop it boys."
you smiled "protective huh?"
nick smiled "yeah definitely"
the boys smiled " oooooo"
nick smiled "just drop it okay"

nick then pulled you aside "dinner and a movie tonight?"
you smiled "definitely"
nick smiled "i'll pick you up at 8"
you smiled "i'll be waiting"

you and nick go to dinner and movie and just talk until the sun comes up. it was one of the best days you have had in a really long time. and was really needed too

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