babe. i appericate it. but. go back home. i dont wanna get you sick - n.m

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you and nick have been together for a good two years. it's an understatement to say that he makes you happy because really. he means the world to you. and you wouldn't have y'all's relationship any other way.

considering you both live a few blocks away from each other. you're very close.. like really really close.

one day. you get the flu. and you can hardly get out of bed. but. nick wants to still be there and know you're okay. so. he decided to facetime you.

"hey baby!" nick smiled as he was laying down too;

you smiled "hey you!" nick smiled "how you feeling?" you shrug "i'm okay" you said in between having a coughing fit nick pouts "that's it

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you smiled "hey you!"
nick smiled "how you feeling?"
you shrug "i'm okay" you said in between having a coughing fit
nick pouts "that's it. i'm coming over"
you shake your head "nah uh. i'm not letting that happen"
nick shakes his head " it wasn't an option"

before you knew it you had a knock at the door. you didn't even bother getting up and just left the door unlocked for nick.

nick came into your room with cough syrup, extra blankets, tonnes of his sweaters that were too small for him but fit you perfectly, a heat pack, come hard candies and heaps of movies.

you couldn't help but smile "babe. i appreciate it. but. go back home. i don't wanna get you sick"
nick shakes his head and jumped straight into your bed "ah not happening"
you look at nick "what's all this then? you moving in or something?"
nick giggles "no i'm not. i just brought a few things to try cheer you up. i brought you some cough syrup & hard candies, more blankets in case you get cold, movies, a heat pack and some of my hoodies that are too small for me. so you can have them plus they'll remind you of me when i'm at home with the boys. so it'll be like i'm here even though i'm not"
you smiled "nick i don't. i don't deserve this... i don't deserve you"
nick smiled "see.. that's when you're wrong. i don't deserve YOU. you have no idea what you mean to me"
you smiled "i love you you know that"
nick nods "i know bub. i love you too" he kisses your forehead" then continues "which movie first?!"
you smiled and picked out a movie.

you both spent a solid 3 days in bed. all because he wanted to make sure you were 100% okay before going back to the house with the boys' which honestly warms yours heart. let's just say.. everyone needs a nick mara in their life.

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