anime marathon - a.p

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it's austin's birthday. it's the first time in two years that y'all have been able to spent it together. you've both been really busy lately, and this is the first time it's added up. so. you want to do something simple. but have it be enough for him to remember it.

austin sleeps in A LOT. it's currently 2:30pm and he's still asleep. which normally, he's at least awake by 1pm. so you decide to check on him. you bring up some bacon, just to see if it'll wake him up before you even bother cooking eggs.

you sit on your side of the bed and lightly put the bacon in front of his face, just to see what he'd do. and he woke up straight away.

you smiled "happy birthday lazy!"
austin smiled "thank you! i love you" he pouts for you to kiss him
you kiss him "i love you too! now get up so i can start the eggs!"
he nodded "yes ma'am"

you smiled as you walked back downstairs and started cooking the eggs. once austin was out of bed and in the kitchen, you smiled "so i have a day planned that i think you're gonna love"
austin smiled "how' so?"
you smiled "so you know how i haven't sat down and watched anime with you in a long time and we promised not to watch our favourites again without each other?"
austin smiled "yeah?"
you smiled "well that's what we're doing today!"
austin smiled "aw bub! it's perfect! best birthday ever" he then wrapped his arms around you
you giggled kissing his cheek and leaning into him.

it was now 9pm. you both were OUT to it. the TV was still playing so when the boys got home and they walked in, let's just say, you both didn't hear it before you were fast asleep.

zion walks in to realise you were both asleep and told the others to be quiet before sneaking up behind you and scaring the both of you.
you jumped, a lot and austin well? he didn't flinch. but he found it hilarious
you smiled "glad you found that funny"
austin smiled "babe it was hilarious"
brandon smiled "so this has been y'all's day huh?"
you nod "well afternoon. aust wasn't up until after 3pm"
austin smiled "hey i was having a sleep in! it's my birthday that's allowed"

you and the boys laughed at austin's come back and just spent the day together watching anime, funny videos, and having little dance battles. it wasn't only a good birthday for austin but it was one of the best days you've had since you've met the boys

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