im not talking to you to get to him! - e.h

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your father, daniel;  is a popular rapper. and no one ever understands how much pressure and everything that puts onto you.

throughout your life you're really only had your dad & his connections to reply on. which, had its ups and down.

you were extremely close with his assistant, eric.
he was like your brother you never really had honestly. he always was there when your dad was on tour or just when he needed him.

due to your father touring, you never really settled in one state, so you haven't had many friends, no boyfriends, haven't been to a normal school, you were homeschooled your whole life. so you really only had interactions with his team.

one night, this up and coming band prettymuch; on his label was opening for him. you being the main acts daughter, you had to show them around.

edwin smiled "thank you for showing us around! we really appreciate it"
you mumbled "i didn't-" you cut yourself off then continued "anytime. i'll be down the hall if you need"

edwin looks at brandon "do you think that was odd or is that just me?"
brandon shakes his head "nah it seemed good to me"
zion nods "yup. she's the dudes daughter"
edwin nods "oooo that. okay i get that"
the boys all look at edwin confused "i got this"

he then walked out and over to your little dressing room kinda thing. "hey. can we talk?" edwin smiled
you wanted to turn him down. no doubt about that. but. you didn't. you smiled "yeah. what's up?"
edwin smiled "so i heard what you said earlier when you were talking to us"
you snap "no you didn't"
edwin nods "yes and i did. and i get it!"
you sighed "hm really?"
edwin nods "yeah. i do"
you sighed "no you don't! you have no idea what it's like living in his shadow, moving every 3 months, being on tour with him constantly, i never even went to a normal school, i never had the stupid high school drama.  i never had a boyfriend. i never had a best friend."
edwin smiled "you know. i know we just met but you seem like a really dope girl"
you shrug "not really. i'm in his shadow"
edwin smirks "well. what do you love to do?"
you sighed "dance. & videography"
edwin smiled "and there it is"

he grabs your hand and rushes you back to the boys.
"on my way dance! let's teach her" he smiled
the boys looked at edwin confused but continued to anyways.

you were in the rehearsal space and your dad was watching the whole time. but you were so into it, you didn't even notice.

edwin smiled "man you picked that up fast!"
you smiled "i guess"
nick smiled "you're really good, you know! not just anyone can pick choreography up that fast"
you shrug

your dad walked over "y/n. they're right you know. you really killed it. you always loved dancing?"
you nod "i mean i still wanna sing but this. it's more me"
your dad nods "well. you can open for me soon yeah?"
you nod "yeah! hell yeah"

you look at edwin and hug him straight away "you didn't have to do that for me"
edwin smiled hugging back "i wanted too. i don't want you to have to live in your fathers shadow"
you look at edwin "are you talking to me just to get to him?"
"but! i'm not talking to him to her to you!" edwin sighed
you sighed "that's what every other guy says! then they all end up smothering over my father.."
edwin smiled "let me spoil you. take you out. treat you like the princess you are. if you don't have a good day, then i'll leave you alone."

you nod.

before you knew it you spent the whole day with edwin and fell asleep in his arms. it's not easy, no. but. he really proved to you that he wasn't talking to you just to get to your dad and that was worth so much more than he will ever know.

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