church boy? - b.a

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you and your younger sister were at church; y'all go every single sunday. just to pray, let off everything about y'all's bad week or even good week before hand; and worship.

you sing at church every so often; just when it feels right. your sister was more of the "perform every week" kinda person where as you were more of the "let's just do one this month and that'll do" kinda person. it wasn't that you didn't like worship, it was a low self confidence thing.

you look at your sister "i'm not doin this.."
your sister smiled "y/n! come on do it !"
you sighed "y/s/n. i'm not signing! you know i do this every few months!"

she then nods and points to brandon. well if you aint gonna do it for me, do it for him. she then points to brandon

you look at your sister and roll your eyes "i don't even know the guy and you want me to sing for him?"

little did you know; you little sister had this whole thing planned out. you'll sing, brandon will compliment your singing and your little sister will act like she had nothing to do with it when she was the brains behind it. tryna get a guy to like you

you sighed "fine. but only cause i know you won't shut up."

you started to sing "reckless love" as it was one of your favourite worship songs.

brandon walks up to you "shit you nailed that!"
you shrug "i didn't but thank you"
brandon nods "you did. i'll take you out to prove it"
you look at brandon confused "but... i don't even know you"
brandon nods "well no you don't but you're talented. you shouldn't just be standing in a church"
you shrug "idk.. it's more my sisters thing performing in front of crowds. for me. it's more of a bedroom alone kinda thing."
brandon shakes his head then smirks "i have a show tomorrow. i'll be there beside you the whole time. everyone needs to hear this voice of yours"

you look at brandon "can i see the venue first?"
brandon nods "yeah of course!"

the semester had just came to an end so you had a lot of time to fill

brandon showed you around the venue and introduced you to the other boys

"boys this is y/n" brandon smiled
"she a cutie!" zion smirks
"nice one b!" austin smiled
nick and edwin nod "go b!"

you smiled. they made you feel welcomed.

brandon smiled "so these boys are who i share a stage with. it helps the nerves"
"i don't. i don't know" you stutter
"i don't think i'm ready" you add
"y/n. i know we just met but seriously. you are. you just need to get hold of the pre nerves"  brandon smiled

*next day*

practice comes around. it's 4 hours until the show. you are now only just realising what you've gotten yourself into. so you go back to your roots. and just stand on the stage in the empty venue and sing reckless love.

the boys all come out from the stands
"if you can sing like that you'll kill it" zion smiled
"b is right. although he normally is anyways but this he's hella right about" nick smiled
austin nods "you're good. really good."
edwin smirks "b & y/n song tonight?"

brandon smiled "it'll help with the nerves. you're not alone on this"
you nod "okay. i trust y'all."

you and brandon agree on trust by justin bieber
after practice you realised you can do it. so when the show came along you killed it

brandon hugs you "babe!" he pulled away from the hug "shit i mean y/n! you killed it! see it's not as bad when it's not just you!"
you nod "yeah. you were right. i guess i gotta get used to that.. hey babe" you smiled
"definitely" brandon smiled ear to ear

"KISS KISS KISS KISS" you hear the boys chanting. you turn around and laugh at them when you feel brandon's hand up on your face and you turn around. y'all were so close you could feel his breath on you. you then leaned in and kissed

causing the boys to cheer and you and brandon to laugh so hard you were both red as hot tamales

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