yea. we get along great but its you that i have my eye on. - e.h

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you and brandon are childhood friends. you've always been pretty inseparable.

you both had a rough childhood. you moved to LA at the age of 13. but no matter what you both kept in touch.

when brandon got into PM he moved and you both reconnected. and got along like nothing ever changed.

three weeks later it was your birthday.

"happy birthday!" the boys shouted when you walked inside
you jump "i only came to give b back his shoes but thank you!"
austin smiled "he's by the pool!"
you nod "thanks aust"

you walk over to see edwin holding a plastic bag kinda thing.
you smiled "you're a weird kid"
brandon smiled "i'll take that as a compliment!"
you smiled "the boys scared the shit outta me but i brought your shoes back!"
brandon smiled "thank you! hey i got you something"

edwin handed you a gold fish.
you smiled "a fish?"
brandon nods "it's exactly like your one you had when you were a kid. you know the one i killed, tried to replace then killed the replacement?" he itches his head
you nod "yes i remember that very well"
brandon smiled "so i got you this"
you smiled "aw thank you" you hug brandon
he smiled kissing your forehead "happy birthday"

the boys were looking out the window "when do you think he'll ask her?!" zion screams in austin's ear
"z. i'm right here! and i'm not sure.! you can tell he really likes her though!" austin smiled
edwin smiled "when he's ready"
zion looks at edwin "damn salty"
edwin smiled "nah i'm - if you like her make a move!" he snapped and ran upstairs

zion looks at austin "what just happened?"
austin shrugs "your guess is as good as mine!"

austin walks outside to you & brandon.
"ah we have a small problem with edwin" he looked directly at you
you look at austin "what?"
austin itches his head "he saw brandon kiss your cheek, the boys were talking about brandon maybe liking you just cause of how well you get on & he kinda snapped."
you sighed "shit. there's nothing between me and-" you look at brandon who was nodding. you hand him the fish and run up to edwin and knock on the door. you don't wait for an answer you walk in.

"ed. there's. there's nothing between me & b. we've always been like this. it's just how our friendship is! it's just how we are. there's nothing there. he's a brother to me ed.." you sighed
edwin shrugged looking through the window and out and over the balcony
you sighed walking over to edwin "yea. we get along great but it's you i have my eyes on."
edwin turns around "not the one you've been friends with since y'all were in diapers?"
you nod "yes, edwin. you. not b. you."

edwin just hugged you. he didn't even say anything. until y'all pulled away "so the boys talking about b asking you out is-"
you cut him off "is bullshit. we're like family. you're the one i wanna date. not him"

edwin kisses you "will you be my girlfriend?"
you nod "of course" you say in the kiss as you pull away the kiss him again

you both ran down the stairs and back out to the rest of the boys who had moved outside and just spent the rest of the night in their company: which. was an amazing night. best birthday you have had since before brandon left.

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