come back baby! get in frame - n.m

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you and nick have a loooong past. you both have hurt each other, but you both have helped each other. you dated when you were very young, first grade in fact. it was an odd thing but your parents found it adorable, y'all were around each other so much that you called each other boyfriend/girlfriend.

you were together until about 3rd grade. you saw nick talking to another girl, and little salty you wasn't about it so you broke up with him. then. 7th grade came about. and y'all found each other again. obviously a bit more serious this time considering you were about 12 not 5. you called it off this time because you were gonna move to Arizona with your dad, which really hurt nick. and you did until about 9th grade when your mom and dad ended up getting back together after they seperated the last time you were dating nick.

needless to say, you found your way back to each other. in 11th grade. despite the past the two of you share; you both always find your way back to each other. it's an odd thing, but it means a lot to you. he means a lot to you.

once you both graduated he moved out to LA for prettymuch. you both are still together, just keeping it on the down low. until someone found photos of you and nick together on zion's snapchat.

he filmed a video of him and brandon goofing off dancing, when you and nick were in the background talking. you both were very close to each other so it wasn't a "friend" talk that's for sure. it was obvious y'all were together. so it got fans questioning.

"who's the chick in zion's snap with nick!!"
"spill the tea fam"
"lol nick we know y'all together"
tweets keep coming at the band account. nick saw them.

nick looks at you "i think it's time"
you look at nick "hm? what do you mean?"
nick smiled "i think it's time we tell the fans about us"
you smiled "you sure? i don't want you losing fans cause of me"
nick smiled "i don't care if i do. as long as i got you"
you smiled "okay"

nick broadcasted live on the prettymuch account. the boys were in the stream too. about 30 minutes after goofing around, you were in the stream time to time.

austin reads a comment that says "lol. who that desperate ass chick wit y'all"
nick scoffs "she ain't a desperate ass chick. she's my amazing, supportive, kind, sweet, adorable, girlfriend"
you smiled at what nick said and mouthed "thank you"
nick smiled "come here baby! get back in frame!"

you smiled as you managed to enjoy the rest of the broadcast once you knew the fans knew about you and nick. even though they didn't all approve, it was good that you knew that they know.

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