i'll keep you safe - z.k

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zion has always been your security. if you wanna word it that way.. needless to say, he's always been there for you. and it's adorable. he gets over protective so fast and it's the cutest thing. you're best friends. although, you're 90% certain that he wants more than that, but. you have a boyfriend, ace. who well. that's something else.. let's just say, when ace acts up, he A C T S up..

you had just made breakfast for you & Ace before he heads off to work and you go see the boys.
Ace comes down the stairs and over to you in the kitchen "you sure you wanna make that for me and not your zion dude?"
you sighed "ace.. he's my best friend. NOT my boyfriend. last time i checked you were my boyfriend?"
Ace nods "yeah... we're. you know you're such a slag. you act all sweet and nice to my face but then you more or less spend the whole day with your z"
you sighed "ace don't. don't do this."
Ace chuckles "ha. you don't want ME to do this? you're the one cheating on me! i've seen the way he looks at you y/n.. that's not just a best friend look.."
you sighed "fine! okay! so what if he liked me?!"
Ace snaps "then i'll fucking beat you to the floor!"
you kinda jumped at his voice being raised "a.. i've never. i've never seen you like this."
Ace snaps again "that's because you don't know half of what's going on in my life! you've been too busy fucking zion! bet you didn't even know i got stitches in my arm last week? and that i got into a fight on the street and broke two ribs? nah. you're so focused on him you don't know shit of what's happened here!"
you sighed "i'm sorry! it's not my fault you've been closed off ever since day one! and you wonder why i don't tell you shit!"
Ace scoffed "well. keep telling that to zion. i'm done"
he stormed off upstairs, causing you to just grab your skateboard and backpack and just go.

you skated a good two blocks before you felt calm enough to get an uber to the boys place. you didn't even bother knocking when you got there. you just stormed in and sat on the couch between brandon and austin who were already there

"ace?" brandon looks at you
you nod "fucking ace"

zion came running down when he heard the hurt in your voice. he pulled you up and gave you a big hug "it's okay. i'll keep you safe."
you nod as you hug zion tightly "thank you"
austin looks at brandon "fuck he seems like a douche"
brandon nods "hell yeah. nothin less"
edwin joins in "well he don't know what he missing! his loss is our gain"
nick jumps in then also "yeah for real tho! dudes gonna be sorry he lost you!"
you smiled softly, just hearing the boys shit talk him made you feel so much better "i don't know what i'd do without y'all"

you pulled everyone into a group hug. it made you so happy just being around them. it felt like a weight was lifted off your shoulders. a big Ace weight.

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