a cuddle.. thats all i was asking for.. - e.h

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you and your ex kyle had a rough patch. leading the both of you to go your seperate ways.

then when edwin randomly showed up later that night when your roommates were out, & tried to offer support, you just didn't know how to handle it.

"i'm leaving you! stop being such an idiot!!" your now ex kyle screams at you.
you sighed "why?! i didn't do anything wrong!"
kyle shrugs and scoffs "that's ridiculous. you did. but. i'm leaving you still. bye"

you grabbed onto kyle's wrist "please tell me why.."
kyle pulled back and pinned you to the wall "i ain't telling you shit. in fact, this is the last i wanna see of you, no matter what. but. have a good life and it was somewhat shit knowing ya" he left bruising on your wrists from having you up against the wall.
you smirk "go on then! hit me! i bet you won't have the balls to it do it!"
kyle chuckles then gives you two good punches. one to the ribs, one to the face. then. he leaves.

you gasped to take a big breath, somewhat a sigh of relief. although he has hurt your wrists, and a few punches.. your just beyond glad it didn't get worse...

so. that was that. single y/n. who would of thought it would happen. now you don't even know what to do.

part of you wants to go out & forget it ever happened, but you know it's not that easy.  and the fact that your two roommates aren't here this week, just made it even harder.

you flop on the couch and sigh. you turn the tv on and start flicking through the channels before putting a movie on from netflix "need for speed" it's was one of your favourites, kyle hated it which now makes you love it just a little more.

you ended up falling asleep about half way through. then. edwin walks in.

"y/n? you home? the door was unlocked?" he entered as he locked the door behind him
he was looking around until he saw you asleep on the sofa.

he sighed "oh y/n. what the hell happened?!"

you jumped as you heard him say your name. "don't do that to me!"

edwin sighed "i'm sorry! but. what happened? you're a mess y/n."
you sighed "it's nothing. forget it."

edwin saw you playing with your wrists then looks down to see the bruising. "y/n."

you sighed "forget it. you saw nothing."

edwin opens up his arms "come here"

you sighed "i said forget it! okay! just..."

edwin sighed "a cuddle.. that's all i asked for..."
edwin then adds "he really hurt you didn't he.."

you nod. "i didn't think he was capable of it."

edwin sighed "did he do more.."

you nod and wipe the makeup off your face; revealing a black eye. then. you stand up. lift up your shirt. to reveal some very very bruised ribs.

edwin sighed "bub.. we need to get you to a hospital"

you shake your head "no. that's not happening. not in a life time."

edwin smiled "okay. i get it. but i promise you. i won't hurt you."

after a few hours and just holding hands and talking with edwin, it helped un-tense you. made you feel a lot happier. who knew he could make you feel happy as he does. especially after what happened with kyle.

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