will my love still be good for you - z.k

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"zion!! caleb!" i rush after zion. he knew that when i called him caleb shit was happening. and that i was serious.
zion sighed "what! you were kissing my best friend? that ain't okay."
you sighed "but i wasn't kissing b i was-"
zion cuts you off "y/n! i don't fucking care. you did. and that speaks for its self."
you grab onto zion's hand "please. just hear me out"
brandon jumps in "leave her z! you know the both of us. we wouldn't do anything to hurt you!"
zion rips his hand out of your grip "no! nah! i ain't buying it!"

you decide the only way you're gonna get zion to listen to you is jump on him. it's what y'all used to do in little arguments and it would always have him listen.. this time? you weren't 100% sure if it would work.

as you jump onto zion's back you don't feel him grip onto you to support you like he normally did. that's when you knew it was more than it seemed.

"zion. i love you. YOU. not brandon, not edwin, not nick, not austin... YOU." you sighed still holding onto him
zion sighed "will my love still be good for you?"
you nod "it always will. no ones love could top you. no one."
you then add "i wasn't kissing him. i was telling him what happened in class today. but i was whispering it so nick didn't hear. cause it was about him. but from your angle i get it might of looked that way."
nick then jumps in "me?"
you nod "yeah. my best friend that you've liked for awhile likes you back now."
nick nods "oh shit yes! i gotta go!" he then rushed out and over to my best friends place down the street

you feel zion grip onto your legs to support you whilst you were on his back "you mean that?"
you nod as you slide off "yes. you can ask her."
zion looks over at brandon "does that check out to you?"
brandon nods "yes. it's exactly what she was telling me. she was whispering it in my ear because we didn't want nick hearing it cause he'd do well what he just did"
you nod "yeah, exactly. my best friend just got out of a relationship and i didn't exactly wanting her to jump straight to nick in case she got hurt again."
zion looks at you "so you were just looking out for your best friend?"

you nod "yes"
zion smiled "i will still love you"
you smiled "yeah?
zion nods "yeah. it was just a big misunderstanding and hey. i only reacted the way i did because i really do love you"
you nod "it's okay. i get it. i would if reacted the same"

zion smiled as he hugged you and kissed your forehead "you know that no matter what happens you'll always be my number one?"
you look at zion "100%?"
zion smiled "189065%. i love you with my whole heart. no one nor nothing is gonna change that"
you smiled "so we're okay?"
zion nods "yes babe. we're okay"

it was a small disagreement. you love zion with all your heart. there is no way in hell that y'all could stay mad at each other for more than a day. it just wasn't possible

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