you got me losing focus - z.k

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you and zion go to the same dance studio. you've both danced with each other a few times and there was a connection between y'all but that wasn't to say that there'd be one in the romance area too.

you've been assigned to zion. which. isn't bad at all because you know you both work really well together.

"i know it's normally a freestyle & lesson kinda based studio and some of y'all have worked together in them sessions and i'd like to see more from you but something you both choreograph"

you nod and notice zion is looking at you already.

you teacher matt smiled "zion and y/n will be the lead to this video. instead of me teaching, it'll be y'all. if you can live up to that hype that is!"
zion nods "of course!"
you smiled "what song"
matt smiled "something that'll challenge the both of you so sad by xxxtentacion"

you and zion have the studio that night.
zion looks at you "ideas?"
you nod "i was thinking that everyone expects it to be slow since it's called sad and although it has them little drops it is somewhat slow so maybe if we kinda add a hip hop flare to it?"
zion nods "oh yeah! so not to the music but dance wise?"
you nod "yeah it'll elevate it!"

you and zion work on this dance for a week. the next class you have with matt you have to perform it which is heaps of pressure but you're both very confident.

you both perform the dance (the way matt & josh side note; TALENTED dancer by the way do it in the video)

you end it with a hug
matt smirks "turns out i underestimated the both of you. wasn't what i was expecting! the connection y'all have very brings out the fire in both of you!"

you and zion nod as the rest of the class preformed it for the video too.

zion looks at you "what is this connection?"
you shrug "in all honestly? i'm not exactly sure.. we get along so well through dance but i just don't-"
"don't know if it's the same thing for romance?" zion finished your sentence
you nod "yeah exactly.. now what?"
zion smiled "one way to find out" he kisses you. in front of e v e r y o n e at the studio. everyone started cheering

"about time"
with a few hints of "eww get a room" in there too.

you smiled "well is it?"
zion nods "definitely"

you both then walk out and zion takes you out to eat. you both talk and talk and talk. maybe that connection started through dance, maybe it was naturally there but whatever or wherever it came from, you were beyond glad it did.

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