i could compliment you, but that would take all night - n.m

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you and nick have been friends for what seems like forever, well for you anyways.

throughout high school you never had it easy. both at home and at school. you would spend 90% of the time with nick's family. their house felt so much more like a home than yours. yours was just a house.

when nick moved out to LA, it wasn't easy. although you had your own place and everything it was still extremely hard. he was the only reason why you stayed in New Jersey.

you decide to pack your bag. call nick. and just leave. get away from it all.

you pick up your bag and head to the uber. you call nick as you're on the way to the airport

"hey" you said a little off. because you weren't 100% sure what he would say/do.
"what's up y/n? everything okay?" he smiled
you nod "yup it's okay. hey i have a question"
nick nods "what up!"
you smiled "so if. if i land in LAX at 2pm, you'd be able to pick me?"
nick froze "you're? you're?"
you nod "yes. i'm literally on the way to the airport now!"
nick smiled "yes!!! i'll be there in a heartbeat!"

brandon smiled "we all will be!" he shouts

you chuckle "thanks b. i'll see y'all soon i guess!"

you hang up as you were smiling. to you, it seemed so stupid that someone who now lives miles away could make you smile just with one call.

you smiled as you got to the airport. it was stupid to you how much them 5 boys made you happy. it was like edwin was your long lost brother. zion, brandon, austin were like your best friends and well nick is obviously your boyfriend.

you pull up to the boys house. edwin comes running out "SISSSTTTERRR"
you giggled at his reaction and met him half way to hug him "hey ed!"
edwin smiled "why the random visit?"
you smiled "don't tell nick cause he'll freak out"
edwin nods "yes ma'am!"
you sighed "i just had to get away. dad was being. well being normal."
edwin nods "still no change after moving out?@
you sighed "nothin"

you kinda told edwin more than what you told nick. as bad as it made you feel, you didn't want him to get all overprotective. it would be adorable seeing him like that but you knew it wasn't the best option.

edwin looks at you "i love you like a sister y/n and you know that but i hate how nick knows none of this"
you nod "i know i know and i really wanna tell him but i don't want him to go all overprotective. kinda the same with the other boys too"
edwin nods "brandon and austin wouldn't, they'd protect you from a far like i do, but zion and nick is probably a different story"
you nod "i'm just worried he'll be mad at me for not telling him?"
edwin smiled "well if he is. i'll be there to explain it!"

you nod. as nick came running out with the rest of the boys. nick; b-lines to you "baby!!"
you smiled hugging nick "hey you!"
brandon smiled "how was the flight?! how come we didn't pick you up?"
you smiled "i didn't wanna bother y'all. plus i had some thinking to do"
nick looks at you "thinking.? everything okay..."

PART TWO SOON. sorry i have to do them in parts now. they're getting longer and longer😅😅 but i do hope y'all are liking the long ones!

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