enemies to a hookup to a girlfriend??? - n.m (part two)

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lil recap;
you and nick never got along & over the first half of the summer both made a shit tonne of mistakes. including cheating. you cheated on your boyfriend (he cheated on you first but still) and then nick cheated on his girl. you both drunk one friday night. and after edwin had spoke to nick, you noticed he was really down. so. you approached nick. before you knew it you were next to him.

"what if this wasn't a one time thing?" he smiled kissing you

you sighed "nick.. one time. one time only. we both don't need more mistakes under our belts."
nick looked at you "what if this wasn't a mistake?"
you sighed "i don't need more 'what ifs' either. just. i have to go before everyone note-"

edwin was at the door. repeat. EDWIN. AT. THE. DOOR.
you sighed "fuck"

edwin looks at you "y/n. really?!"
you sighed "i know.."
nick sighed "ed don't. don't be mad."
edwin looks at nick "why not?! she's my best friend bro! i can't have you hurting her like you did kylie. yes, she's made mistakes too. the same ones as you. but. i can't have you hurting her.."
nick nods "okay. i get it."
edwin sits at the bottom of the bed looking at the both of you "you get it, hey?! okay. don't sleep with her again. not a hookup. take her out. on a REAL date. if that goes well and she isn't a hookup, then. we can all forget this"
nick looks at you "i'll take her out in a heart beat"
edwin nods "goodluck then"

you look at nick "in a heartbeat huh? what a way to sell it"
nick smiled "i wasn't kidding. get ready. we leave for breakfast at 10!"
you look at nick confused "so it wasn't just a-?"
he cut you off "a hookup? no. well i hope not."

you get ready into this outfit.;

nick takes you to the cute cafe on the corner

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nick takes you to the cute cafe on the corner. and much to your surprise, you both connected a lot. a lot more than you thought was humanly possible. maybe nick ain't that bad.

nick smiled "i'm sorry for kinda just. well everything."
you smiled "it's okay"
nick smiled "from the moment you grabbed my arm. i knew you were different. this. this what i want" he reaches for your hand. which caused you to tense up.

"nick.. i. i'm not. idk." you look at nick
nick smiled "you were honest with me y/n. even after 4 beers." he giggled slightly
you giggle softly "yeah. which this time didn't have me end up in a hospital bed for 3 months."

when you drink you get EXTREMELY honest. even more than normal. which. last time. a girl beat you into a coma cause of it.

nick smiled "i wouldn't let that happen. question... will. will you be my girlfriend?"
you nod "yeah. why not."

it was odd. but when you were alone you both connected. you never had that. you didn't wanna throw it away. and when you got back, edwin noticed that too. no matter how hard it was. you all were happy in the end. which, is all you could ask for.

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