i'm losing sleep, they said that would happen - b.a

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you and brandon are back to doing long distance. which SUCKS. you have been together for two years, you moved out to LA to be closer to him & for a fresh start, six months ago. but. tour just started. and you're missing him like crazy..

brandon sighed as it was 1am where he was
zion looks at brandon "b?"
brandon kinda lowkey snapped "what?!"
zion itches his head "i was just gonna make sure you're okay. normally you're fast asleep by now"
brandon shrugs "i miss her. i miss her so fucking. much. we were around each other daily and now just going a few days without her just doesn't feel right.."
zion smiled "b.. you really love her hey?"
brandon nods "with my whole heart"
zion smiled "facetime her! even though you'll lose sleep"
brandon mumbles "i'm losing sleep.. they said it would happen"
zion smiled "well yeah. guess that lyric wasn't wrong! just call her! we have an off day tomorrow so you can nap then"
brandon nods "okay"

it was 10pm. before you know it; this pops up on your screen

 before you know it; this pops up on your screen

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needless to say. it was brandon. without hesitation you answer. whilst yawning a little "hey!"
brandon smiled "my god is good to hear your voice!"
you smiled "you miss me hey?!"
brandon smiled "more than you know!"
zion jumps in "apparently losing sleep over you too!"
you smiled "b. you know you need sleep!"
brandon shrugs "i wanted to talk to you"
you giggled "this is our thing now hey?"
brandon smiled "what do you mean?"
you smiled "calling me at ridiculous hours?"
brandon nods "yeah i guess"

then. austin walks in "y'all we needa sleep. apparently we have a photo shoot tomorrow!"
brandon sighed "isn't it our day off?"
zion shrugs "obviously not"
brandon sighed "babe i gotta go"
you smiled "hey-"
before you could finish, brandon hung up.

you look at your phone after brandon hung up "hm. that wasn't like him"
you text zion. you knew he was around since you heard him goofing off in the back.
"ah. z. is b okay?" you text
zion replies "i'm not sure.. he's been off the last few days. when i went to ask him earlier he snapped too"
you sighed "that's not like him"


being 120% honest, you weren't overly impressed with brandon last night. it just wasn't like him. not one bit.

you sighed and called him. well tried. nothing.

you waited a good 4 hours before trying again. this time. he answered.
"y/n?" he sounded confused
you smiled "b? what was wrong last night!"
brandon sighed "this is just so much harder than it used to be... i mean it was hard then but it's 1000x harder now"
you nod "i know. it's hard for me too. but. i love you."
brandon smiled "i love you more. so much. more." he then sighed and continued "i'm sorry i lied to you. you didn't deserve that one bit.."
you smiled "b. it's okay! as long as you're okay? it's good. honestly"
brandon nods "i'm okay."
you smiled "then it's okay"
brandon smiled "i gotta go but i love you!"
you smiled "i love you too"

after the call y'all had last night. it felt good to end it on a high note. you can rest easier tonight knowing he's okay

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