christmas - e.h

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you and edwin have been dating for awhile. you both have been friends for a few years. but this year is the first time that you both are going to spend christmas together.

a week before christmas. you both have been spending a lot of time together. and you adore it so much.

edwin smiled "baby! you ready?!"
you shrug "idk. i'm nervous"
edwin smiled "hey it'll be okay!"
you smiled "i love you and i love your family but this is the first time we've got both my family & your family in the same room" you sighed
edwin smiled "babe. you're freaking out over nothing! my parents will love yours! plus your sister is the sweetest! you have nothing to worry about"
you sighed "i'm not worried about my sister... it's my parents i'm worried about"
edwin smiled "y/n. it'll be okay. calm down!"

it gets closer to the time when both of y'all's family will be in the same room. before you know it. it's happening.

you open the door with edwin and greet his family, edwin stands in the backyard talking to his family when your family arrives. that's when your heard drops. your sister abby walks straight over to edwin & his family. and that was well but when your parents entered.. well.

your dad rolls his eyes "his family is here too?"
you nod "yes dad. he's my boyfriend remember"
your dad scoffs "it's not like y'all are married or nothin"
you rolled your eyes "dad! i knew this wouldn't be easy."
your mom walked in "calm down you two! it's christmas!"
dad rolls his eyes "i don't care what holiday it is, i'm not going to talk to that boy's family."
i sighed "that boy. is my boyfriend"
dad smirks "not for long"
he walks away.
you sighed looking at your mom "that went great"
your mom nods "amazing hey"

you sighed "i love y'all but i just. idk. if i can do this..."
your mom smiled "if you don't, then we can go. it'll give me time to sort your dad out"
you nod and walk over to edwin

you tap edwin's shoulder "bub. can i talk to you?"
edwin nods "yeah!" he then stands aside
you sighed "i can't do this. dad just lashed out and there's no way i'm going to let your family near him like that."
edwin nods "that's fair enough! we'll do christmas with your family tomorrow"
you nod "thank you"
edwin kisses your cheek

you walk back to your parents "thank you mom"
your mom smiled "ill get him in check"

you sighed walking back to edwin & his family as yours walked away. edwin's mom smiled "what happened love?"
you sighed "dad just wasn't ready let's just say"
edwin's dad nods "well! let's have it be just us!"

you sat down with edwin's family. you loved how understandable they are, no matter what. it made you so happy having that.

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