you're the after party - a.p

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you were your friends guest to this big ass event. you had no idea what it was. so you weren't exactly having the best time. but. your friend wasn't gonna stop until you did. so. you gave in.

you got to the after party.. at the boys place. the PRETTYMUCH house. you weren't really in a partying mood considering what happened like 4 hours before hand. you walked in on your best friends together. well more than just together. you had no idea what to do. they yelled at you like crazy until you more or less ran off in tears.

you picked the quietest area and sat down with a drink. a few shots and a bottle of wine later. you were wasted.

austin was walking past when he saw you and how you were. he sat down beside you "are you okay!?"
you shrug and said "yeah yeah yeah. i'm great" but you slurred most of it
austin shakes his head "that's it. come with me"
he took you up to his room. and sat you down on the best with a bucket beside you.
you were talking for a solid 3-4 hours before you passed out.

austin helped you and wrapped the blanket around you. you woke up with austin beside you. you had no idea what happened. you can't remember anything. you checked to make sure you were still clothed, which you were. phew. what a relief.

you turn around to see austin looking at you
you itch your head "so um. what. what happened last night? i don't remember anything"
austin smiled "you were pretty drunk so i took you up here so no one would take advantage of that. then we sat and talked for a good few hours then you crashed out. and i put the blankets over you to keep you warm"
you look at austin "you did that for me? you don't even know me"
austin nods "well yeah. i didn't want you getting hurt"
you smiled "but no one else would of done that for me"
austin smiled "how about i take you out for breakfast? away from all the craziness from last night?"
you nod "actually yeah. that sounds good. is it okay if i grab a shower real quick?"

austin nods.

austin walks downstairs
zion smirked "how was your night last night hey?!?"
austin smiled "calm down. nothin happened!"
zion smirked "so where is she now?"
austin smiled "she's having a shower, then we're getting breakfast! you happy?"
zion nods "yup! now i am"

he can always get answers outta austin.

you and austin go to iHop for breakfast. you both sat down and talked for even longer. it's like you feel at home with him. completely comfortable. it's weird but you love it. after a few more dates, you ended up becoming offical. turns out. that after party wasn't as bad at all

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