popularity isnt everything! - e.h

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you're meeting prettymuch with your sister. needless to say, you don't mind their music, and a few of them but. edwin gets on your nerves. you never exactly knew why, but. he did.

meet and greet time. your sister insists you go first. so after you can wait for her.

so you go first and give hugs to everyone and complimented something they were wearing. shoes, bracelet, shirt, jacket, anything. then when you got to the end, you didn't hug edwin for as long as you did the others nor did you compliment him.

edwin grabs your hard as you walk off "what's your problem" he whispered under his breath
you scoffed "popularity isn't everything.."
edwin shakes his head "hm. that's what you think of me aye?"
you nod "more or less",
edwin hands you a piece of paper "meet me at this address. i'll show you i'm not like that."
you scoffed and walked away waiting for your sister.

your sister walked through and met all the guys. she walked back over to you "aw i love edwin! he's so sweet"
you nod "hm"

you watched the show. edwin was lowkey better than you expected.
you called an uber for your sister to head home. once she left you were gonna go to your boyfriends place. but that changed fast.
once your sister left, about 10 minutes after you left the moss pit you were walking to the street to call an uber to get your boyfriends.

he texts; it's over. you just ain't good enough 🤷🏽‍♀️"

it's stupid how mad this made you. you were bALLING in tears.

as you were walking to the street, you happened to pause at the address edwin gave you. which wasn't planned.

edwin saw you were crying "hey.. what happened?"
you sighed "nothing okay. just let me go"
edwin shakes his head "no. i have to prove to you i'm not who you think i am"
you sighed "but it won't be enough! my boyfriend wasn't a cheater but look what happened! just leave me alone"
edwin grabs your arm lightly "no."
you sighed "please! i just wanna call it a night and forget this ever happened."
edwin shakes his head "let me take you home"
you scoffed "tryna get with me now?! i know your type"
edwin shakes his head "no. i want to make sure you're gonna be okay"
you shrug "okay fine."

edwin took you home. you both ended up falling asleep on the couch. he insisted he wouldn't leave until he knew you were okay, so. you spoke and ranted about your now ex for a long time, and edwin listened.

once he left, y'all got each other's number. stayed in contact and actually ended up becoming best friends. turns out, you really shouldn't judge a book by their cover

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