nah. go get your own. - z.k

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you & zion have been together for ages now. but he's a very jealous type. very very very jealous. when he finds out that you have a guy best friend, and how close y'all are. he loses it.

rocco smiled softly as he texts you "yo! yo! y/n plans today?!"
you smiled "nothin! skateboard down vine?"
rocco smiled "sounds good! meet me at the park a few blocks across"
you nod "see you in 30!"

you get dressed into the outfit below

and kiss zion's forehead "bubby i'm gonna go skating with a few friends" you hated telling him it was rocco; because you know just how jealous he can be

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and kiss zion's forehead "bubby i'm gonna go skating with a few friends" you hated telling him it was rocco; because you know just how jealous he can be. and when he's really jealous well it gets intense.
zion lightly grabs your arm "who?"
you smiled "z it's no one. don't stress"
zion looks at you "you know when you say that it makes me stress more"
you look at zion "it's rocco" you then grab your things "love yo-" and try get out quick before he could retaliate but he cut you off

zion looks at you concerned "rocco?"
you smiled "he's my best friend.."
zion look at you "like how i was at first? babe i don't trust him."
you shake your head "zion. you're overreacting. there's nothing there. trust me. it's you. not. rocco"
zion stands up "y/n... i don't know. you don't i don't fuck with this shit." he then grabs his jacket and follows you as you walk out the door

you sighed as you get the end of the driveway "zion. trust me. there's nothing between us! i love you but sometimes this jealously thing is too much.."
zion grabs your arm "take me to him. to see if i'm worried about nothing or it's more than what i'm worried about."
you sighed "fine. grab your board."

you take zion to see rocco as rocco approaches
rocco hugged you "hey you!"
zion sighed straight away "fuck i knew i was worried about something."
you hear zion and turn around "z..."
rocco smirked "dude calm down. there's nothin here"
zion pulls you close to him and away from rocco "nah. go get your own."
you look at zion "stop."
rocco smirks "nah this. this is good! what you think of me hey? what's got you so scared i'm gonna take your girl? you should be"
zion pushes you behind him and takes a step closer to rocco "you just pushed away the best thing in the world mate. be careful.. that mouth might get you in some serious shit one day"
rocco smirks and giggles a little "and it ain't today hey big boy. because you know if you hit me, your girlfriend is gonna gone straight to me. she always does when you fuck up!"
zion punches rocco with some serious force "leave her alone."

you and zion then skate back home
you look at zion "what was that?"
zion smiled "that babe. was someone taking advantage of your company so. i taught them a lesson"
you look at zion "you know. sometimes jealous zion is right and i hate that"
zion ruffles your hair then kisses you "nah you love it"

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