im sorry. i didnt mean what i said.. - z.k

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you and zion had been together for quite some time. until he broke up with you. he claimed that he never loved you and you were just a distraction from being so busy on the tour. and you didn't take it lightly. so. you blocked him on everything.

snapchat, instagram, twitter, his # and even facebook. which he didn't use 90% of the time but at this point, you didn't care. you just wanted no contact with him.

zion had been upset ever since he broke it off. the boys knew that he instantly regretted all he said, all he did. but he just wasn't sure what to do next.

brandon looks at zion "if you love her; talk to her."
zion shrugs "i've tried to call her like 100 times and she's blocked my number as well as every social media i have."
he then looks at brandon "y'all are close. can i call her on your phone? that way i know she'll answer"
brandon nods "but just don't have her mad at me too. regardless of what happens with y'all she's like my sister"
zion nods as he grabs brandon's phone and calls you straight away

you answered "hey b! daily check in huh?"
brandon would call daily just to make sure you were doing okay after zion called it off
zion itches his head as his voice starts to shake "its. it's z."
you sighed "zion i. i can't"
zion sighed "look y/n. i know i fucked up but my mind was a mess after tour came to an end and i just didn't know how to handle it all. i'm sorry. i'm really sorry."
you sighed "how am i supposed to believe that? you seem perfectly fine."
brandon jumped in "i love the both of you. and not taking sides but he's been a mess."
you sighed "if you are the so called mess he says you are then why did you end it? i just. idk."
zion sighed "idk. it just got a lot. i wanted to have a break between touring with khaild and our own tour. and i just. i guess i thought you'd be a distraction"

you let a tear full "okay now i'm a distraction hey? z. if you cheated on me just say."
zion shakes his head "y/n. i love you. i'd never cheat on you."
you are kinda in shook what zion said "wait. you love me? you've never said that... he'll we've never said that..."
zion nods "yes. with all my heart."

you hear a knock on your door.

you stand up. confused. but you open it anyway.

it was zion. with roses.

you tear up.


zion smiled " i'm sorry. i didn't mean what i said.. i love you."

you smiled just jumping into zion's arms "i love you too"

you couldn't be mad at him. you just couldn't. he admitted he loved you. you love him. you can't stay mad at someone you love for something so little.

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