but we know we're worth more than what meets the eye - z.k

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zion grabs your wrist "babe. i love when we talk but hate when we fight"
you sighed "it's an every damn day thing z. over anything & everything.."
zion nods "hold me accountable and i'll hold you tight."
you sighed "we get it.. y'all wrote a new song but really?"
zion looks at you "people say what they see all the time. but we know we're worth more than what meets the eye"
you sighed "your fans accused me of cheating on you just because i was talking to austin.."
zion nods "but we know we're worth more than what meets the eye"
you sighed "your FANS ZION. your fans."
zion shrugs "i don't care."

you sighed "i needa. i'm gonna. i'm gonna go for a drive."

you grab your eyes and head to your car you just sit there for a good 5 minutes thinking about what happened.

from day one, fans didn't like you & zion together, and they said nothing. when they did.. the boys just wrote a song called "sorry" and zion was quoting it.
you thought he was being stupid. but. when you listened to the lyrics.. he had a valid point. you just didn't exactly wanna admit it.

austin looks at zion "what happened"
zion sighed "go with her."
austin nods and jumps into your car

nick looks at zion "z.."
zion sighed "what if they're right? if she's cheating? her and aust are so close. it's like he a sixth sense to know that something was up.. he wasn't even in the same ROOM as us."
nick nods "i know it looks bad. but. he's just like us with you. we can tell when you're upset even if we're not near you when it happened and he's the exact same with y/n"
zion nods "hm fair point"

you look to your right and see austin. you sigh "austin. what are you doing?"
austin smiled "checking up on you"
you sighed "so zion can spy on me? see if i'm gonna make a move now that 'i have you to myself?' nah."
you got out of your car and walked straight upstairs, not even looking at zion on the way up.

austin walks back in "that went well"
zion sighed "what did you do?!"
austin sighed "nothing! she didn't even wanna talk to me cause she thought you sent me out there to see if she'd make a move on me."
zion looks at austin "i mean no. i didn't but.. well. did she?"
austin snaps "no! outta everyone i thought you'd believe me"

you sighed as you heard a knock on the door "zion i know it's you. go away."
zion sighed "i hate this y/n."
you sighed "i do too"
zion opens the door slightly "you do know that regardless of what the fans say, it doesn't effect what we have. and it never will. i won't let it."
you look at zion "even if they swear they see it that way?"
zion nods "even if. we know we're worth more than what meets the eye."
you nod "you know.. i hate after y'all write because you always somewhat make a life lesson outta it"
zion kisses your forehead as he smiles "that's what music is for"

you knew that zion really did mean it. he only ever uses his own lyrics if he's tryna make a point. and as much as you hate it, he was right. y'all being together was worth so much more than what just a few fans through they saw.

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