there's somethin about you - a.p

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austin has always had your heart. and you knew that as soon as you met him, so when he suggested friends with benefits it's wasn't a bad idea. because you wanted more. and you knew you did. he on the other hand... you didn't know what he wanted. you both agreed that it would be a no feelings agreement and if that happened then.. well...

austin smirks at you "y/n! you should come to the show tomorrow!"
you smiled "yeah okay! i haven't seen you live yet!"
austin smiled "sound good!"

austin then heads to meet the boys at the venue. you show up and austin introduces you to the boys
he points to the boys as he says their names "this is zion, nick, brandon, edwin this is y/n"
you smiled "nice to meet y'all"
zion looks at austin and smirks "whose this hey?"
edwin then adds "yeah. she must not be that important if we haven't meet her yet"
brandon joins in "boys leave them be!"
you smiled "nah it's cool. he's my-"
austin jumps in "she's my girlfriend"

you smiled as the boys went out and performed. seeing austin perform just really made you smile. seeing him doing what he loves and with who he loves.
as austin comes off the stage you go to kiss his cheek and he went straight for the lips. once y'all's lips touch you pull back and look at him "aust.. what happened to-"
austin kissed you again "and the whole no feelings too? too late."
you look at austin "so now what?"
austin smiled "well. will you be my girlfriend?"
you look at austin "you serious?"
austin nods "as i'll ever be"

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